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  1. M

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    I actually thought all their defences were kind of ... adorable. :) In that stupid way.
  2. M

    So, its the new year...

    +1 for LOTR credits... Then we switched over the channel 10... I don't remember what was playing though.
  3. M

    Scrubs Season 9

    Got the box set for Christmas up to season eight... not sure if I'll keep watching now. Just won't be the same. There was one JD-free episode in season eight which was weird enough.
  4. M

    your current favourite song

    How to Tame Lions - Washington
  5. M

    Do you know anyone who's never got a Pass at uni?

    Almost every mark I get is a 64 or 74. It drives me mad. Like you couldn't give me one more!
  6. M

    Avatar (2009)

    Or make the effects in every movie with a smaller budget seem less somehow...
  7. M

    Do's and Don't's in Driving Test.

    Especially when exiting a roundabout! I know it sounds stupid because a lot of roundabouts aren't even big enough to note and it seems confusing to other drivers, but indicate left when exiting. Don't mount the curb. :) Remember head checks and give way but don't give way unnecessarily. Stay...
  8. M

    Your top 3.

    Okay, but that didn't answer my question.
  9. M

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    Girls piss me off - thank god I'm straight. No matter what they do, it never seems to make them happy. No matter what somebody else does for them, it never seems to make them happy. Women, much better women, spent decades getting rights for us and yet the majority are still a simpering lot of...
  10. M

    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    2010 albums you're looking forward to What are we all looking forward to next year, hm? Juliana Hatfield - Peace and Love (16/2) Kate Nash (Autumn) No Doubt Eisley And a full length from Megan Washington would be great. :)
  11. M

    Top 5 Albums of 2009

    +1 Seriously, this year was pretty much more of the same imo. And yet I still managed to come up with a top five, even if I had to cheat a little bit. 5. Lily Allen - It's Not Me, It's You 4. Metric - Fantasies 3. Washington - How To Tame Lions (EP) 2. PJ Harvey & John Parish - A Woman A...
  12. M

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    Mostly happy - good relationship, not too bad financially, but if we don't move soon I might throttle a certain person we live with. :) But it would make me happy if I did that, so I guess that's better than feeling bad about it.
  13. M

    long distance relationships

    My fiancé was in the US and I was in Sydney, we did that for almost two years before he moved here. We had a lot of people tell us a long distance relationship would never last - well of course it wouldn't, because as soon as one of us moved, it wasn't long distance any more. :spin: It depends...
  14. M

    Too young for Uni?

    I turned eighteen in the January before I started... but sooo didn't feel ready to move out of home. First year of uni I went home during every break (even if it was just a week), and then wondered why. I had a horrible time every time I went home and just fought with my brother and parents...
  15. M

    Triple J's Hottest 100 2009

    Yeah, that the piano bit is a COMPLETELY different song. Read the liner notes. It's called Porcelain. :)
  16. M

    Triple J's Hottest 100 2009

    Drags on way too long? Yes, at 2:43 it's a killer like that. :spin: I think it's beautiful. Definitely one of my favourites.
  17. M

    ITT: We post our least played song/s

    +1 Also, we just loaded everything into iTunes again. New computer.
  18. M

    Triple J's Hottest 100 2009

    EXCEPT for Confetti? Seriously? :confused: Thought about it, but didn't see the point. How often do anything but singles make it through? Also I had other stuff I wanted to pick. :)
  19. M

    Triple J's Hottest 100 2009

    Leeeet's see... Bertie Blackman - Thump Lily Allen - Not Fair Little Birdy - Brother Little Birdy - Hairdo Little Birdy - Summarize Metric - Help, I'm Alive Metric - Sick Muse PJ Harvey And John Parish - Black Hearted Love Washington - Cement Washington - How To Tame Lions
  20. M

    Avatar (2009)

    Saw it Saturday night, it's a real shame that the story line has been done to death because it was otherwise fantastic.