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  1. T

    Bachelor of Arts Units of Study/Subject Help

    I'm a bit confused - if you did your HSC in 2014 how have you already completed a junior Government unit? Is this some special HSC program or something? In any case, I think you'd have to do your second junior GOVT unit in semester 1, and then you can take intermediate GOVT units in semester 2...
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    USYD Strike

    The VC's email somehow forgot to mention what the uni's salary offer is - from memory, it's below inflation, so it's effectively asking staff to take an annual pay cut for four years. I guess as part of the negotiations the uni made a deliberately low offer and the union a deliberately high one...
  3. T

    Powerpoints in Buildings?

    Pretty sure Eastern Av Auditorium has powerpoints in some rows but not sure about the others. In a lot of rooms you'll find a few powerpoints but they're mainly intended for the cleaners so they won't be conveniently placed if you want to plug in a laptop. On the textbooks issue, how they're...
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    B Sc / B A timetabling

    From memory you're not allowed to overload in your first semester at all.
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    How do I study Political Science at USYD?

    At Usyd political studies is classed under Government and International Relations. Political economy is different but related - I haven't done it but I think it's basically the study of different economic systems from a political perspective. And yeah, you'd probably study it in a BA, though you...
  6. T

    Which degree to choose - BA, BPESS or BIGS?

    It really depends what you want to study apart from GOVT. - In the BA, there are few subject restrictions and you can do whatever you want within the arts faculty. - In the BPESS, alongside the core GOVT major you do a compulsory sequence in political economy and sociology/anthropology, and...
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    Senate election declared invalid

    It really puzzles me how these dickheads can come up with these vote-buying schemes and never hear a little voice in their heads saying it's unethical. But the senate elections have always been a massive rort, clearly the move to online voting hasn't fixed anything. Surprised this happened in...
  8. T

    Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) discontinued?

    Recently artsfac has had a policy of reducing the number of 'specialised' degree programs it offers, since a lot of them are basically a standard BA except with a fancier name and have no purpose other than marketing. There's not much difference between taking a BA(Psych) and a vanilla BA with a...
  9. T

    Uni Transfer

    To decide on transfers they combine your ATAR with your first year uni marks and rank you against everyone else applying to transfer. Don't know about how easy/hard it is for the course you're interested in though, hopefully someone else will have some idea
  10. T

    Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) (Honours)

    Your summary is right, you get dropped straight into second year and finish honours in three years instead of the usual four. And yeah, it's a bit less flexible in the sense that you have to start working towards a major right away, so you'd probably need to start with only 2-3 subject areas...
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    Living Expenses?

    Depends what you mean by 'near' UTS, but for a two-bedroom apartment in the inner suburbs you'd be unlikely to be paying much under $500 a week (so $250 each), and probably well above that. It's not cheap, in other words.
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    Changing enrolments

    Are you clicking 'save changes' at the bottom of the page once you've ticked the appropriate boxes?
  13. T

    Is it worth it to buy an access card?

    Basically it's worth it if you'll be eating on campus regularly. I have lunch at Manning at least once a week, and if I buy a couple of schooners and a meal then Access saves me about $2-3. Plus a couple of times a week I grab a coffee and/or lunch from a Union outlet which adds to the total...
  14. T

    WebCT unit websites.

    WebCT (they actually call it eLearning or something nowadays, but everyone still calls it WebCT) is where the websites for each unit of study are. Each unit's WebCT usually contains notes, lecture recordings, important links and so on, there's often a course discussion board, and sometimes it's...
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    fucking timetables

    In recent years it's often been the Monday or Wednesday of the week before O-Week.
  16. T

    being enrolled in a wrong subject?

    You can't change your enrolment just yet, but you'll be able to once enrolment variations becomes available, which is usually the middle of February sometime.
  17. T

    Internet @ USYD

    Usually pretty quick, unless you're using your laptop in an area with poor wireless reception
  18. T

    Is it a bad idea to do both GOVT1105 Geopolitics and GOVT1202 World Politics?

    It really depends what you're interested in. If you want to do politics and policy oriented courses at senior level, then taking Aus Pol might be a good idea, but if your primary interest is in the international relations side of the department then you could do both geopol and world pol without...
  19. T

    Sydney uni question about enrolling

    If you're doing adv hons, you'll need to choose 2-3 possible majors and enrol in senior subjects for them. At this stage you don't need to have decided which one you're going to do your honours in, but obviously you have to start working towards an extended major which means by the end of the...
  20. T

    Possible to complete B. Arts in 2 years?

    To do it in two years would require six units (36cp) per semester, which isn't allowed - the maximum is 30cp per semester (see here, at 5.1.3 in the top section). Though I guess you might be able to do it by taking units at summer and winter school, if the right units were available.