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  1. S

    Policies of Income Distribution?

    Another point is that the government could: +Reduce costs of services for some groups (e.g. senior discounts as over 65's are the second lowest income eaerners)
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    Exchange rate paradox

    Could someone tell me the effect of an increase and a decrease in interest rates on the exchange rate. So far, I was thinking about it and Say interest rates increase.. that would foster business investment in the form of borrowing from other countries (say USA) so the supply of money...
  3. S

    Microeconomics Examples????

    adding to that.. taxation reform (i.e intro of gst, and reduction of income tax for higher income groups)
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    Few questions.. plz help

    Ok I don't think you understand what I'm saying. When you say "the actual papers from 2002 and 2001" are you refering to the actual HSC papers? If yes, then you could go to the website as they are available there under "notes from the marking centre" If...
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    Micro-economic reform question, MUST READ

    meh seems to have covered everything. I don't want to go repeating information in another post so I'll just add some more examples and add more detail. Privatisation of egg farming industry. Used to be heavily protected with quotas. The government guaranteed small farms to buy their eggs off...
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    I can't either. I usually study for 1hr 1.5hr before taking like a break and getting back into it. What I like to do is drink V.
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    Few questions.. plz help

    which ones the commercial paper? Aren't they all commercial? well except of course the BOS one. Please clarify.
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    reversal of the crowding out effect

    I would go with what you typed in for reason number 2. I'm trying to work out the logic in reason 1, but can't really see how demand for funds will decrease because of a surplus budget, but I know for sure, crowding in occurs becasue of debt retirement.
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    Few questions.. plz help

    Outline two reasons that could explain inequality of income within a nation 1- regressive tax system (Marginal rate of tax falls with income) so a greater proportion of disposable income is taken away from lower income earners. 2- microeconomic reform. This is because it encourages a "user...
  10. S

    reversal of the crowding out effect

    by "reversal of the crowding out effect" I assume you mean crowding in effect? Well when a government adops an contractionary fiscal policy, by definitnon, a surplus would be generated as government expenditure is exceeded by taxation revenue. They can do 3 things with the surplus: 1...
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    HELP ME! - a few questions

    My turn! Briefly explain how the Reserve Bank could intervene in the foreign exchange market to influence the exchange rate of the $A. The RBA could increase interest rates relative to other countries, affecting the interest rate differential. If the differential is high when interest rates...
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    USA Interest Rates

    Dont know if it will help but isn't Europe avg'ing 2% so the interest rate differential is pretty high and this opens up for a pretty nice discussion in your ext response.
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    Stupid question time: Whats a trade union?

    Going through some past papers and I found this question "Explain the role of trade unions in the current wage determination system" I don't know what trade unions are so I can't really answer that question. The closest thing I think it could mean is like labour unions so my answer would...
  14. S

    GST: A flat or regressive tax...

    But you think about it, by definition, regressive means that the MRT decreases as income increases. So say a 10% tax on a $1 stick of gum is $0.10 so to lower income earners, this is a greater proportion of their income than to a high income earner as this is a small proportion of their income...
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    budget surplus and IR

    This may sound to simple but: Wouldn't the budget surplus, by definition have a contractionary effect on the economy? In effect, this means that it will dampen aggregate demand, meaning that demand pull inflation wont be a threat, allowing the RBA to maintain lower interest rates.
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    Major help needed with this practise essay!!!

    I'm no authority on economics but I thought that was a pretty decent response. Your discussion was pretty well rounded as you touched on macro and micro policies. The question did say "possible government responses to changes in the global economy " so it might have been nice to include how...
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    Whos prepared?

    "investment + technology flows" never heard of that before.. is that even a topic?
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    "outine TWO reasons that could explain inequality of income within a nation"

    Wow thanks for your huge response everyone. And who said economic students were stingy? they better take that back. You guys rock.
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    2003 independant q13

    The questions available her to anyone else that wants a look OK You want NY = C + I .. nationional income to equal consumption and investment as it asks what is the level of NY that puts...
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    "outine TWO reasons that could explain inequality of income within a nation"

    This was taken from the 2001 HSC had me completley stumped. I did not know which dot point it was covering. The closest dot point would probably be dimensions and trends but I doubt it would ask that. Just wanted to know how you should answer this because this is really got me. How I'd...