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  1. J

    CSSA Chemistry Trials

    post up there papers
  2. J

    compare * CSSA Trial results *

    i got 67 % for trial but not the CSSA one, can anyone post it up
  3. J

    Trial Results

    only got Mc back and got 10/15 :( there was 3 it was a 50/50 and i falled dam it
  4. J

    UAC Applications

    4th of january for main round
  5. J

    UAC Applications

    i think they still charge u the $21 and even thou ur application didnt go throught. :(
  6. J

    This doesn't seem right

    listen to this for ipt 1 bloke wrote his answers instead on the paper on blank papers and it was 40/100 marks and the teacher goes you got 0 for that section, he was so angry. Another 2 blockes done all the option questiona dn erceived marks for the first 2 sections which was the ones we hadnt...
  7. J

    Main Sequence Stars- Energy

    does anyone have any ideas
  8. J

    Main Sequence Stars- Energy

    Having trouble The proton-proton chain reaction:- i)have many times does step 1 and 2 have to take place for step 3 to occur oce???? - i think its 2 ii)How many hydrogen nuclei would it take to make one helium-4 necleus?? iii)how many hydrogen nuclei are released at the end of the...
  9. J


    i done the independent trial and it was terrible. It was so hard i missed a few questions out
  10. J

    UoW information night

    Whose going to the UOW information night on the 29/08 at the university hall or at sutherland and cronulla on later dates
  11. J

    2006 independent trail

    yere the maths ext. 1 was so hard but i think maths ext.2 was a bit earise but there are some questions that were hard
  12. J


    for those ppl who got 14 and 15 in their stories post up some of the stuff u worte about :(
  13. J

    2006 independent trail

    have you received a copy of it back , and wat did u get
  14. J

    2006 independent trail

    how do we go was it had or easy?? It was pretty trick? Post results and/or thoughts Post up the paper on friday cause thats when the 'ban' is over. Thanks
  15. J

    Independent paper 2006

    wat are ur thoughts on the paper? hard , easy Were the options hard ?? It was for me :(
  16. J

    Thought on independent trail 2006

    HOw was the trial paper? it was hard for me
  17. J

    Trail papers 2006

    when will be we able to talk about and post up papers from the trails, ive done it like 3-4 weeks ago.
  18. J

    Cheating in the Trials

    you cant do anything about it, even if a teacher is standing out the door in the HSC or the examinors you can have it written on your leg or on a piece of material cheating will hapen and cant be stopped. If your stuck and just sitting there cant rememeber the work just go for a whiss :) lol...
  19. J

    Class of 06 Post up your trial results and ranks

    Ill get in here. lol English Advanced Total: Rank: Maths 2 Unit Total: Rank: Maths Extension One Total: Rank: Maths Extension Two Total: Rank: Physics Total: Rank: Chemistry Total: Rank: IPT Total: Rank: