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  1. H

    The Next James Bond

    i reckon it should be sean connery again but he might be too old for it
  2. H


    my timetable says "lecture tutorial"...i think its because its language specific, like, my one is classical spanish literature (thatz the unit) and so you have the lecture and tutorial together
  3. H

    the passion by mel gibson

    if it doesnt portray Jesus as being a Jew then its not exactly accurate, is it?
  4. H

    Religion and the media

    you can still change your topic question, can't you? maybe you should focus on to what extent has/is the Islamic tradition portrayed in a negative light... and i recommend you focus on either print media or electronic media. this way the question is general and you can choose to write about the...
  5. H

    the passion by mel gibson

    i'd like to see that movie..but how can it be anti-semitic if Jesus himself was a Jew? and im guessing mel gibson isnt against Jesus, is he now?
  6. H

    Religion and the media

    i basically did the same topic as you, except i wouldnt just focus on september 11...think closer to home, like the sydney gang rapes a while back...and then you'll find more stuff on the media and Islam in australia
  7. H

    Favourite Movies.

    the shawshank redemption saving private ryan the pianist the godfather
  8. H

    Confusion about Tut-Reg

    im just as confused as you...
  9. H


    they gave us a timetable that said on the top: Timetable for Autumn session BA (interpreting and translating)...i'll work it out in the end
  10. H

    Italian at uni???

    i would have done italian and spanish if i got into international studies at UNSW but i missed out by like 1. i can only do spanish now for BA interpreting and translating...
  11. H

    UWS on the rise.

    i highly doubt that uws is for lower achieving students as i got over 90 for my uai but i chose uws for my first preference because unlike sydney uni they offered spanish and BA(interpreting and translating)..since you reckon your uni is so damn great, why havent they got a greater range of...
  12. H

    UWS Diary

    i didnt get a diary but i asked at the campus bookshop for it and the lady said you had to get it from the src but they didnt have them yet
  13. H


    i still dont say timetables are sorted after we enrol for tutorials..then what was the point of giving us a timetable when we enrolled? it only made me more confused
  14. H


    i have a timetable question as well...on wednesday when i went to enrol they gave me the timetable for my course but according to the timetable i only have to be at uni on monday when i have a lecture and this the case with anyone else's timetable? i just find it hard to believe...
  15. H


    i the first series kim was always getting into trouble...first she gets kidnapped, then she somehow gets herself involved in a drug deal, then she gets arrested...too may bad things happen to her and it makes it a little unrealistic..
  16. H


    that would be muy caliente...muchas calientes makes no sense
  17. H

    7th heaven

    i cant stand that simon has blonde hair and really thick black eyebrows...but lucy gets on my nerves the most...she doesnt even trust her boyfriend and she wants to marry him...
  18. H


    i heard of don quijote...not interested in reading the book or watching the movie though...there's a restaurant in the city called that...and to numero uno: im from western don quijote a book? im not sure...oh wellz
  19. H


    that's not grammatically correct...well, doesn't seem so to me...
  20. H

    Not long now!!!

    im nervous and i dont understand anything about the subjects i'm meant to take...meaning, if i choose them myself and pick the times for lectures and everything..i'm completely lost...and i have to enrol this wednesday so i better get my act together