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  1. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    Nine are idiots for showing it at 10:30pm, but oh well, im watching S2 as well. Theres not new episodes this week, it returns on the 1st, so we'll get the episode on the 2nd. That works fine for me (despite my mini tantie when i found out) coz it'll be back after my exams, and i can watch it...
  2. tasha1188

    Home and Away

    Oh god, can you imagine if Charlie and Angelo sleep together, and then Charlie falls pregnant. PaternityGate3 *rolleyes* But nah, if anyone is to get preggers, it'll be Martha.... Charlie is better off with Angelo. Roman was not good for her. I dont like Roman :angry:
  3. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    Chuck and Bart <3 Im glad they made up. I love them. And Chuck moved back into the penthouse? When did that happen?? I always thought he was in his suite at room 1812 :S But it would explain his appearance in the Van Der Bass kitchen in that episode where Blair slepted over at Serenas, and was...
  4. tasha1188


    The rating period is coming to an end of the year anyway, so i dont think C10 will axe 90210 again. Im glad theyre bringing it back. Ive following the US, but i'll watch on 10 as well after my exams :) I love this show, but yes, GG is better <3
  5. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    I just love Chuck and Blair. Leighton was fantastic this week. Blair is a real crack up. Chair are just so <33 Aaron is quite cute, but i dont understand him. Him and Serena was cute together too. The liquorice ring <33 Didnt like Serenas dress though, for the ball. It was really showy at...
  6. tasha1188

    Australian Idol 2008

    Another male dominated finale. Go Mark!!
  7. tasha1188

    Veronica Mars (aussie Airing)

    I want the DVDs for this. I want to know how it ended. Anyone care to share? I love this show. I miss this show :( I wish Foxtel will buy it and air it :(
  8. tasha1188

    Dawsons Creek???

    Charlie was Chad Michael Murray's character in S5? He befriended Joey, right?? I love this show. I got the whole series for my 18th, and just love to watch it. Loves S3/4/6 the best, well the end of S6 anyway. Loved Joey and Pacey. They were the first ever tv couple i ever loved <33 And...
  9. tasha1188


    i saw a promo for next week. Whats with Declan kissing another chick?? He's gf is pregnant. What a jerk!
  10. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    I love the Van Der Basses too <33 And Chuck and Blair :( Loved Serena this episode, esp with her realisation about Aaron, that was so cute. Hate Dan, and couldnt care less for Nate and Jenny :)
  11. tasha1188

    Australian Idol 2008

    Didnt Mark say he was singing 'Angie'?? Or was that someone else? Oh well, my favs are Mark and Roshani :)
  12. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

  13. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    Yes...i was so shocked. Do you know how it'll be?? I think i might have a fair idea...and it sucks, because i like that person :( Sorry, thats sort of ruins it, but oh well *cries*
  14. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    I loved ep 2.07. That is by far my fav episode of the season so far. Chuck and Blair at the end, wow, that was so friggin hot <3 I actually liked everyone in that episode, even Serena. And i love the Van Der Bass scene with them all eating cake, and Bart smiliing. I love Bart. I love...
  15. tasha1188

    Australian Idol 2008

    Urgh! Gabriella annoys me So glad Mark didnt go. About time Sophie week Teal...then other people...
  16. tasha1188

    Home and Away

    Kate, wait till next week :p Love Leah and Miles Hate Kirsty Love Geoff and Nicole Hate Melody Love Jack and Martha Annoyed with Martha Hate Aden and Belle Poor Angelo Bored with Roman and Charlie Love Ruby (random addition :p) And the rest are fine :) But im getting bored with...
  17. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    awww...Blair looks cute in headbands. I really feel sorry for her. Serena does take everything from her :( But that Dean is a creep. Haha at Dan being tied up.Poor Chuck, he has no friends now :( Next week looks hot <33 Cant wait :)
  18. tasha1188

    Australian Idol 2008

    I dont like Luke either or Wes for that matter... Thanh went, oh well. Mark or Roshani to win Love Jessica <33
  19. tasha1188

    Australian Idol 2008

    Mark and Roshani were my favs last night. Cant wait to see Jessica Mauboy sing 'Running Back' tonight. I love that song :)
  20. tasha1188

    Gossip Girl

    apparently foxtel will season 2 thi summer or early next year. I cant wait, even though im already watching it. I cant wait for the next episode. Finally another good cat fight :)