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  1. R


    some of my things are one after the other. But they arent that far away. i have to go from Bld 4 to Bld 6 then to Bld 4 then I have an hour to get to Bld 17. Then another day i go from Bld 10 room 9 to Bld 10 room 15. That shouldnt be much of a problem. Cos those arent too far away.
  2. R


    u can still look them up in the timetable and get an idea of when u want them. Im gonna be at uni half day monday (9-1) , 2 hours on tuesday arvo (4-6) all day wednesday (9-5) not thursday and all day friday (9-5) It doesnt matter what order u do things in though does it? Cos i cant really...
  3. R


    yeah mine are still unconfirm and now i have a message saying that the page is only displying 2004 enrolments and that they are trying to fix it. But i am a 2004 enrolment. I wish they would hurry up and fix it!!
  4. R


    i got the timetable from the page where u do tut reg. Click on timetable info or something like that. And then type in your unit codes for each unit your doing and it comes up with the times and days
  5. R


    yeah i asked that question and i got told one day and one time for each thing. At least i think that was right. Best to get a second opinion
  6. R


    so i just pick one from each sectiont hen. Cos i have labs and tuts for each unit. So i pick one day and time for each different thing? If so thats cool and i have it all figured out.
  7. R


    i got a reply from the uni about why it still says unconfirm. They said that they checked my profile and i was enrolled in subjects but i would just have to wait while admin completes the process. Yey!! Now hurry up admin!!
  8. R


    When picking our different things on the tut reg day i have Labs and skills and pracs and lectures and workshops. I looked at the timetable thingo on the p/web page and was curious about something. In the timetable it says under all the different units different days and times for say a...
  9. R


    i was just gonna ask that same question
  10. R


    so im not the only one whos panicing! yey! well hopefully they should fix it up. Ive just looked up all the options i can choose for my tuts and everything. now im trying to decided which times are good and stuff. Cos im doing nursing i have to do pracs, workshops, tuts, lecture and skills...
  11. R


    I got that message too. And mine all say unconfirm still. When is your tut reg? Mine is on the 19th. So they had better fix it soon. Does your still say unconfirm too??
  12. R


    i know. i wrote an email asking what was wrong. but havent got a reply yet. I cant do my tuts til the 19th so fingers crossed they do it b4 then. Otherwise im screwed!
  13. R


    nope still not fixed it.
  14. R


    that error msg is there again maybe they will fix it this time!
  15. R

    e-mail?? argh!!

    mine said user unknown but now its working
  16. R


    hmm that is a bit weird. Maybe they are being mean to you and making u do it twice?? hehe. nah its prolly just another error!! But i wish they would bloody fix mine!
  17. R


    mine said it had an error earlier too but now it doesnt and it still says unconfirm Why is mine still not enrolled?? Im peeed off!! FIX MINE UP U STUPID PEOPLE!!! no fair!
  18. R

    UWS emails?

    when i went to do it it said unknown user. When ive activated my account and everything. I did it yesterday.
  19. R


    mine says unconfirmed too!! but now i cant even get into that site to check it.
  20. R


    yeah i did all that. But now i cant even get into the page that said everything was unconfirmed. Maybe that could be a good thing??