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    Helpp!!! Urgennnttt!!!!

    We have an assesment task on M & G the questions are based on the dotpoints Assesss the effect of develpoment oif AC generators on society and the environment. Analyse the competition between Edison and Westinghouse to supply electricity to cities. Anything i should look out for? thanks
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    power lines

    what are the physiological effects on humans living near power lines?
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    Hsc 2009 Dates

    Re: Hsc dates? when did last years start?
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    Hsc 2009 Dates

    Hsc dates? Anyone know the dates for HSC 09? cheers!
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    Hsc Marathon 2009 - Chemistry

    original 0?
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    BOTH! and ummm can u get the answers then back to me?
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    Good! The world output one was answered good! LMAO i full laughed my ass off when i heard about the Big Mac index from my teacher last year nice one! But the reason i asked the trading bloc question was because im not too sure on whether Australia has one. APEC is a multilateral agreement and...
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    either of the above? multilateral or measuring world output?
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    Not too sure about this!

    Alright? No problem?
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    any answer then kaatie?
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    School tomorrow!

    same here!
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    oooh sorry buddy in response to your question Economic growth refers to increase in GDP by an economy over time. Economic development is a much broader measure taking into account welfare of citizens and life expectancy etc. It ultimately aims to measure the quality of life in economies.
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    Kaatie i asked for a trading bloc im pretty sure the agreement u mentioned is a BILATERAL AGREEMENT hahaha! next question G! Identify the two main methods used to measure World Output
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    everyones studying? ahh

    CHILL mannn! do the work but dont go overboard but do the WORK
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    Question: Identify one trading bloc Australia Belongs to
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    G - forces?

    thanks guys
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    Not too sure about this!

    sorry im not sure what you mean, but the whole point of the physics marathon is for people to ask questions about stuff they have difficulty with, and i honestly couldnt answer those questions! Besides if there are no questions how does the marathon continue?!
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    G - forces?

    It says in dot point that staged rockets are used as it enable extra mass of empty fuel tanks and huge rocket engines to be discarded, lessening the mass for the second stage engines and so making thrust more effective and it also reduces the maximum g force experienced by astronauts. My...
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    Engineering and Commerce?

    i was talking to some people and they said there is no point in doing this degree as engineering and commerece have no relationship! Is that true??