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  1. MissSavage29

    statement tees

    thats my msn photo at the moment!
  2. MissSavage29

    statement tees

    i've got two statements tee's i think ones from myer plain green and says 'everyone loves an italian girl' - and i'm italian and that seems appropriate and the other from jay jays and says not everyone is a morning person both tasteful
  3. MissSavage29

    Haha Havaiana...

    no i never got the fuss around havs either - i brought my first pair last year cause my friends litterally dragged me into a store and made me buy a pair because they are always raving about them they are comfy - and i do like the colours- i've got great ones with hot pink hearts but i...
  4. MissSavage29

    Biggest Fashion Mistake???

    lol i'm afriad some of these seem all too familiar... i think my major disasters were very early teens / preteens - i thought my overalls (both long and shorts ones) were cool... um oh a lovely short black dress with long sleves...much like wednesday adams... 'skorts' - awful awful look
  5. MissSavage29

    Skincare/Makeup Brands

    i tend to mix my products a little everyday i use garnier pure skincare products and clearisal skin perfecting cream Maybelline foundation - ever fresh lip gloss and i've hundreds - um usually a body shop one or chi chi and i've got to get a new mascara as i had to thrown mine out...
  6. MissSavage29

    Your personal library

    i must admit i love to collect books - and i'm pretty sure i've read everything in my collection bar one or two so this is what i've got at my house here and what i can remember from home: History Books Leonardo Da Vinci The making of the modern world - Condon Mortal error: the shot...
  7. MissSavage29

    Whats your major?

    i'm doing a double degree so only one arts major which is history (most likely i'll end up concerntrating on Roman history and modern history WWI onwards)
  8. MissSavage29

    Swapping NSW licence for ACT one

    Changing over also means you are able to do the signposted speed limit rather then either 90 or 100 depending on your NSW class
  9. MissSavage29

    On Sparta

    Re: Herodotus quotes... There are notes about the peloponesian wars in the main section of the Bored of Studies webpage - they are located under period studies then look for the ones on the Greek World 500 - 440BC * part of that course is the peloponesian wars Also have a look at the...
  10. MissSavage29

    Spartan social system

    Try the NSW HSC Online website - they have notes on sparta and i believe they also have links to other useful websites
  11. MissSavage29

    Your say on: Uni Days!

    You think these people who are aged 18+ would be able to think for themselves and decided on a degree that will have good job prosepects. I mean seriously how much effort does it really take to have a bit of a look into what sectors are looking for people... This just strikes me as stupid -...
  12. MissSavage29

    Anthony callea

    i have a feeling i may be the one and only - but yes i am an anthony callea fan... i'm sure you can tell :P
  13. MissSavage29

    torts on web ct

    um last year they put all the notes and recordings on the torts page in the law section of the ANU. I'm not sure if they told you about it this year - if not go to teh law faculty page and click current students - then type in your ISIS name and password and that will take you to the two...
  14. MissSavage29

    Best ways to steam your face?

    Rather then using a bowl and having the slight possibility of knocking it onto my self i rather fill the bathroom sink with hot water and then get my towel lean over it and do it that way - then you cannot really spill it on yourself However, probably nto as comfortable - but you could bring a...
  15. MissSavage29

    Heckler on Canberra

    Just to add to this little rant Canberra cars just dont have indicators - thats my observation. since i came here last year i think i could count on one hand the number of times i've seen someone with an ACT number plate actually use their indicator.
  16. MissSavage29

    Network Cards

    Hey - just need a little bit of help with figguring out a broadband thing and i'm getting so confused with it all. I've got broadband set up and a router is being installed on friday. Except the broadband cables dont fit into my laptop - the sales assistant at dick smith said i needed a...
  17. MissSavage29

    Your shoe collection...

    havs - pink & white hearts, pink & brown hearts black billabong thongs pink billabong thongs white & pink patterned thongs pink ballet slippers hot pink betty boop thongs light pink vally girl thongs brown flats pink & white flats netball joggers black midlength boots black ankel...
  18. MissSavage29

    Help with Ancient Greek sources!!!!

    you can also have a look into Hesiod - he wrote Theogany which outlined the generations of the gods. (not a difficult text to read) Ovid also wrote a heap of myths and legends. We had to use his metamorphoses collection for uni last year have a look at Bill Thayers Website for a list of...
  19. MissSavage29

    difference between intentionalist and functionalist schools of history

    I remember these arguments all too well - extension history project a couple of years ago. Just to expand on what PwarYuex said Intentionalist believe that Hitler gave the orders for the final solution. They believe the evidence suggest that hitler was vocal in planning and giving the...
  20. MissSavage29

    A good way to plan assesment task~?

    First off all know what each question is asking. I used to get my highlighters and underline the key words and write down what they were asking you to do. (so if you were being asked to argue something i would jot down that i had to make sure i refered to both sides of the argument and weigh up...