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  1. six demon bag

    Module A-Crime Writing Elective 2

    That's cool you used P.F - I wouldn't have even thought of it! I'm a little disappointed I didn't watch Hot Fuzz until after exam - I would've loved to use it!
  2. six demon bag


    catharsis :) it's over! I fucked up exam haha but I think I rectified! I was so nervous I wrote about the wrong module, thinking it was groups in context questions, realised i did it wrong after andwering the second question and panicked. long exam means i had plenty of time to write lots on...
  3. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    Actually I can't make it to GOC which makes me very sad.
  4. six demon bag

    Module A-Crime Writing Elective 2

    I wrote about how hitchcock subverts the genre through exploration of relationships/marriage/sexuality. and hitchcocks "artistic intentions", filming techniques creating suspense! this question was s easy with hound. Can't be bothered to write. The Big Sleep and Lamb to the Slaughter were my...
  5. six demon bag

    hardworking Vs. intelligence

    You need a combination. All through school I would frequently get 85 and highers on night-before assignment or tests i didn't study for. Then the HSC hit me in the face haha. I've studied lots, I've just developed the worst work ethic ever. I always find that it's the people who work real...
  6. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    Also, I read the thing for Tot-Mom which I'm quite keen for. I do dig Steven haha.
  7. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    Pristine! Got YAP sms. Think I can come :) but if god is cruel then maybe not. I think so though. Will there be free food/wine again? haha
  8. six demon bag

    General Thoughts: English Extension 1

    yeah. I'm thoroughly checking questions (amount of additional texts) after AE paper 1 haha
  9. six demon bag

    General Thoughts: English Extension 1

    Yeah I used lots of booklets too. Crime fiction - how good was the essay question?! It was pretty much exactly the same as the prac one I was using. I did my essay in about 50 mins - 2 books and my story in about an hour - 2 books, 2 pages. I was lucky I had a little bit of time at the end - it...
  10. six demon bag

    What will you do with your school stuff?

    I'll recycle it at least...
  11. six demon bag

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    You're right but it was a dumb question in any case. haha. I'm just hoping I had enough content on core/related to get me through! If that even matters.
  12. six demon bag

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    I was so angry about that question. Our whole year we'd been doing practice essays on two - no one even told us that they may not ask us to use the two. No one in our english class even picked up on it until a girl looked at the exam paper after the test. Why the fuck would they do that? That's...
  13. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

  14. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    Threepenny was fantastic! I loved it. I just missed when the rain stops falling which sucks cos I really wanted to see that one but sadly no :(
  15. six demon bag

    Moving out after HSC?

    It's not going to cost me that much. I can get help moving and such (don't have much to move) off my stepdad/has access to trailer and stuff like that. Bonds i've looked at seem fairly affordable and I've saved up a bits of cash. Between work/ausstudy/living away from home allowance i should be...
  16. six demon bag

    Obama wins nobel peace prize

    I think Obama is a great politician and I think he's going to do some really good things for America - especially after ol' mate Bush. Still, nobel peace prize? No. He is the president of a country with one of the most staggering military histories ever. The country is still in conflicts! No...
  17. six demon bag

    Conflicting Perspectives Question

    Really? Do you mean dictate to someone else? :( I like the play too, I just wish I was the best essay-writer ever.
  18. six demon bag

    The hsc starts in about 12 days!!!!

    I have 10 days between 2nd last exam and last exam - yes life!
  19. six demon bag

    Conflicting Perspectives Question

    Conflicting perspectives is real annoying. It was in our trial but its obviously in the hsc - im starting my essay now-ish and panicking! Julius Caesar was a fuck. Hey rorycole92, I'm using V for Vendetta aswell! Yay twins!
  20. six demon bag

    The hsc starts in about 12 days!!!!

    I'm so nervous/stressed and yet i still can;t force myself to study as much as i need to!!! I think it's a total of 8 essays that I have to write. ahh fml... I'll be extremely relieved at 3.30 pm, 12/11/09. That is, at least until my nida audition 6 days later. Sad panda.