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  1. *mel*

    the OC

    yes you did. anything to do with you insulting the roosters is intentional.
  2. *mel*

    the OC

    you're terrible!! i don't like you at all.
  3. *mel*

    the OC

    excuuuuuuse me! i will NEVER be a computer nerd.
  4. *mel*

    the OC

    i'm sorry... oreo mcflurries are the best!
  5. *mel*

    the OC

    make up your mind hun! :D
  6. *mel*

    the OC

    lol what's reformatting?
  7. *mel*

    the OC

    ewww no! i'm not jealous... yuck! i'm just a bit grossed out. are you making fun of our twinness??
  8. *mel*

    the OC

    gee that's lovely... twinny, is there something you're not telling us? and btw you are sooo lucky that you're getting new computer! i'm so jealous. i need a new one. this one has gone black twice today. stupid piece of shit...
  9. *mel*

    the OC

    awwwww... :o you guys are all the best! they'll NEVER shut this thread down. it would be an insult to humanity. love you guys!
  10. *mel*

    the OC

    yeah the people here rock! :D and of course the oc does. shuddup about smallville.
  11. *mel*

    the OC

    hey waddle... we sooooo are twins. both of us got shiny new light green boxes around the same time!! :D
  12. *mel*

    the OC

    oh it won't get closed down. there's always a bit of oc here and there. they'd be robbing the world of a great thread if they shut this down.
  13. *mel*

    the OC

    It is NOT shit... we have very meaningful conversations, and if you look deeply enough, you'll see that it all links back to the oc. :D Yes kimi... well explained. it is kinda of a union of the OC fans.
  14. *mel*

    Rooster Supporters!

    Yeah Fitzgibbon will be captain... he's already been captain this year when Ricketson didn't play. I reckon he deserves... he's a legend.
  15. *mel*

    the OC

    lol i didn't know there was a silence... i just came online. thankyou!! you just give me my first light green boxy!!
  16. *mel*

    the OC

    Poor thing. i know exactly how you feel, but waddle's and my sick club has kinda disintegrated since we're both better. go twins! hope you get better soon!
  17. *mel*

    the OC

    At least there's one gentleman here... I'm very disappointed in you.
  18. *mel*

    the OC

    lol it's ok hun. here, you can have some coconut soap so at least it tastes nice... *hands over yummy soap* now don't be so rude again. :)
  19. *mel*

    the OC

    that's so gross! i'm ashamed to be your twin at this very moment. you are very dirty minded.
  20. *mel*

    The Amazing Race 7

    awww damn! i must have taped the cricket then. i still haven't checked. i HATE it when they don't tell us that it's not going to be on.