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  1. Steppenwolf

    The Woolworths Thread

    Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job You wish. :)
  2. Steppenwolf

    The Woolworths Thread

    Define 'Young workers' > 16 years old is ok imo, its the 14y/o's at maccers that are incompetent
  3. Steppenwolf

    World of Warcraft

    He speaks the truth
  4. Steppenwolf

    World of Warcraft

    haha the days of the lvl its almost going to be 80 :( true that about it being pointless.
  5. Steppenwolf

    SDD teacher

    What makes you not a nerd in comparison to these other 'nerds'
  6. Steppenwolf

    Limewire or Frostwire?

    ive been using limewire for years. and my PC is yet to die and crumble. if you download a virus. you are a spastic. i used to have Kazaa, but it was ad central along with viruses. then i went to Win mx. but then i found limewire. Happy days so far:rofl:
  7. Steppenwolf

    What's the best internet provider..

    true, there are better fish in the sea i remember 3 years ago, i was on a plan of 1gb per month for $49.95 none of this off peak stuff. but hey i was the noob for not acting
  8. Steppenwolf

    I Hate It

    Boring but easy :hammer: case dismissed!
  9. Steppenwolf

    To those who are considering to do this subject

    Yes its boring as hell. but very simple. and yea you get a certificate out of it like Samu said. Samu said = the new form of simon say's :rolleyes:
  10. Steppenwolf

    Information Technology HALF YEARLY TOMORROW!!!

    i had my half yearly today as well. it wasnt too bad :uhoh:
  11. Steppenwolf

    Printer Problem

    Printers are so gay these days, more problems than printed pages :hammer:
  12. Steppenwolf

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Deli, Woolworths 17 $12.30 per hour, time + half on sundays time + double and a half on pub holis Cha Ching! :lol:
  13. Steppenwolf

    Does God exist?

    to think this wonderful world came from two rocks clashing is insulting. if thats what truly happened then im peter pan
  14. Steppenwolf

    Considering to Leave in the middle of HSC. PLEASE HELP!!

    youve already done the first half, why ditch it now? like foxy boy said, just do your best.. i mean im failing pretty bad atm, but im not going suicidal about it :rolleyes:
  15. Steppenwolf

    The Woolworths Thread

    The money is heaps good as a casual. when i started i was at $9.30p/h 5 months later and its $12.30, and im 17. so compared to some of my mates, who earn like $2-$3 less at maccas and crap.. its so good :) not to mention time and a half on sundays and double time and a half on pub holi's...
  16. Steppenwolf

    MacBook Air

    i'd be scared to type on the damn thing.. besides apple comps are lame :)
  17. Steppenwolf

    What's the best internet provider..

    Im with Optus. They arnt bad, they compete with other deals, and have solid speeds. nothing wrong whatsoever
  18. Steppenwolf

    How was your school day?

    Woot only 2 assessments to go until holidays :)
  19. Steppenwolf

    The Woolworths Thread

    i work in the deli section, apart from the fact i always smell like prawns for ages after a shift. its not bad. good pay too