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  1. J

    Who didn't finish just because the paper was long not TERRIBLY hard?

    Yea smooth sailing through every question except for 10.b (only had 10 mins to have a go and subsequently got none of it... AAARRRGGGHHH)
  2. J

    did anyone else mix up "photographers" with "photographs"

    OK admittedly I’m no English expert (and no I didn’t get the question mixed up for your information). BUT before you start teasing people for being illiterate why don’t you learn how to spell the word first! (Hint: its spelt illiterate NOT alliterate) lol OWNED BIATCH!!! (I spelt that wrong...
  3. J

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    Sorry I know this is probably a little bit of a late reply, but: *Our school uses Cambridge *My tutor uses Fitzpatrick What I have found is that Fitzpatrick has a very good learning curve starting with easy questions and progressing steadily to hrader soughts of questions (graphically...