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  1. Dundasbro

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    No I don't. There are too many cases where murder convictions have been overturned to risk the execution of an innocent individual. Also doesn't look particularly good to have the state executing all the people who couldn't afford good lawyers, who will likely be minorities. Oh and capital...
  2. Dundasbro

    What would be the best End-Of-HSC anthem?

    Twist and Shout, Ferris Bueller style.
  3. Dundasbro

    expelled = ?

    Funny how everyone seems to quote that, despite the fact that whoever said it first (Oscar Wilde? I can't remember...) was actually being sarcastic when he said it.
  4. Dundasbro

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: who IS responsible for teenage binge drinking? So you blame teenage binge drinking on people who you believe refuse to blame the teenage binge drinkers, thereby removing personal responsibility? Or were you being sarcastic? (It gets hard to tell just through text:o)
  5. Dundasbro

    List of sins updated

    Well this is fucking stupid. We go from 7 deadly sins that are intrinsic, are within every person (ties in with the whole everyone sins thing) and are short, sweet and nonspecific to specific extrinsic actions that a handful of people are going to commit (compared to mankind) and are frankly...
  6. Dundasbro

    Education Not Indoctrination

    Depends on the subject for me really. My Modern/Extension History teacher is left-wing but is also adament that it is just an opinion, and she always reinforces that whenever she states her opinion. My year 10 science teacher was a huge vat of useless though, hated nuclear power for some reason...
  7. Dundasbro

    Capitalism or Communism?

    What about current Vietnam? I know they have moved off a bit from an emphasis on Socialism but they are regarded to be a Socialist state which has a functioning and growing economy. Though they don't have too much in the way of freedom there politically.
  8. Dundasbro

    Capitalism or Communism?

    I think a balence of governmental interference and personal freedom will bring about the best possible situation. Not the perfect situation, but at least a stable one that is preferable for the majority. Actually while doing Pompeii work in class I found that the high social mobility in terms...
  9. Dundasbro

    Muslims declare jihad on Doritos.

    Eh, what a storm in a teacup. One shopkeeper makes a complaint, some Muslim food board says they'll investigate and suddenly all Muslims are complaining about Doritos being evil or something? This'll just fade away, its a nothing issue.
  10. Dundasbro

    Does anyone write poetry?

    On occasion, it can help at times. Not that it's all whiney crap, most of the time it is somewhat upbeat. Though I will always delete or destroy it later, no matter how good I think it might be. Like you said, private poetry.
  11. Dundasbro

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    Last year's year 12 put up tape covering tons of entrances, got dozens of garden gnomes and put them up everywhere they could (got kinda creepy), used waterbombs on students and at the assembly basically booed the principle and held up a sign proclaiming another teacher (who was on the outer) to...
  12. Dundasbro

    HALF YEARLIES :O when? are you ready? studiesss?

    I have mine in week 5&6. And get this, we got given an assessment 9 days before it was due, due two weeks before our half yearly exams. And then we complain about the lack of information that it was coming and get told our assessment booklets are all the notice we needed that it was coming...
  13. Dundasbro

    Official Apology Thread

    Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12 In this one needs to note that there have already been significant reparation court cases won by Aboriginal peoples and also that an apology does not legally count as an admission of guilt, so the government apologising does not automatically mean money is...