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  1. M


    when the eng advanced course resembles something worth putting in your own time and effort to write original essays then i wont plunder bos for notes
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    suggest any tips for revising?

    that is exactly what i did :hammer: i managed overall a decent score but it should have been higher.. i did a 'once-over' of my case studies for the other topics and crammed hardcore for the global business one and it made me nervous throughout the whole exam after i saw it during reading...
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    Softball And Baseball

    hawkesbury hawks.. that was two years ago though. i dont think i ever played bankstown. haha my season ended when i ran into the fence chasing a home run hit and broke my cheek :D
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    suggest any tips for revising?

    i ended up with 93 for BS.. my tip would be NOT to spend too much time second guessing what the questions (especially last two sections) will be on based on past papers, and just learn it all! also, expect every year that the MC and SA sections will become slightly trickier as they wont...
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    Class of 2003 IT HSC Results

    i was worried about this subject throughout the year, because it was always going to count towards my UAI. we had one 4hr lesson every week, which consisted of playing games, surfing the net, chatting on msn; and i kid you not we would have done about 20 mins of actual work every week. i ended...
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    Post your preference list here ..

    1. BCom(Lib Studies) - usyd 2. BCom - usyd 3. B Ec&SS -usyd 4. B Ec -usyd
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    Non-Selective Government Schools

    there isnt a teacher that exists that wouldnt help a year 12 person that was asking them a question before the HSC or in the HSC year (or any year really). At my school it was up to the students to seek help, and the teachers were begging us to ask them things, whether you were the smartest or...
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    Softball And Baseball

    hey chaz i would have played against you too.. either in state champs, waratah or state league. did you go to nsw U16 state camp as well?
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    Fast food jobs

    ive worked at maccas for almost 3 years... i think its an awesome place to work. the flexibility is almost second to none because there are so many people able to do your shifts, and you can take time off whenever you want. it probabaly comes down to the people you work with, the social scene at...
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    Uni Cutbacks

    does anyone have half an idea how much business courses are likely to rise this year at usyd? i got 95.75, and hoping that B Commerce wont rise too much past the 94.10 it was last year.
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    2003 UAIs

    95.75! im so happy it could have been a lot worse! commerce at usyd here i come (hopefully) :D
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    2003 HSC Marks

    Business Studies - 93 B6 Economics - 93 B6 2u maths -90 B6 3u maths -40 E3 English (Advanced) -81 B5 IT (VET) - 88 B5 hey i twas better than i'd thought... happy as larry :d (until tommorrow)
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    Softball And Baseball

    yeah ive played darby a few times, but this bloke from ACT was quicker, some left hander called 'Cheese,' i was only 15 or something i didnt even see the ball :D ive quit softball now anyway its too hot for that, the beach is far more inviting! yeah baseballs fly if you connect properly, but...
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    do people still play this game? :p who started before the first official release? i got into around beta 6 or 6.5 but havent played it for more than a year now, (v1.3?).. i dont really miss it, it stopped being fun ages ago. did anyone start before beta 6.5?
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    Softball And Baseball

    btw hbk_ace i played for hawkesbury ive proabably played you before
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    Softball And Baseball

    has anyone played rep softball AND also tried baseball? which one do you think is easier? some of the best softball pitchers i have faced throw 120+ k's from almost half the distance that baseball pitchers do. Softball is far tougher everything is closer and faster! go the softballers :D
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    Ambition HAS ARRIVED!

    Superam makes a good point. I was pretty disappointed when i found out it was over 18's, when else will people that are under 17 be able to go to an 'end of high school forever' dance event? We have barely anywhere to go as it is! possibly keep it in mind for next year, even if you scrap the...
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    Raw Marks

    88-96 i thought it was fair.. good essay alternatives as well
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    Chess is a sport

    chess is only a sport when you play it with shot glasses :D:D yea they do exist
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    Whats The Scaling LIke For IT?

    terrible lol well thats what uai seeker tells me :D