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  1. diametric

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    "Ma'am? Hello? Excuse me? -- Three would of looked odd.
  2. diametric

    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    1500 here. I don't think the word count is very important unless you keep writing, you'd be surprised how quickly it shoots up. I started writing it, perhaps, the beginning of this week, and have only been editing/changing a character right now, so its been stagnant for a few days, but mostly...
  3. diametric

    A question on form...

    Uh. I don't think that's very good advice. This subject is similarly very stressful. I have only very recently crystallised my plot, and written some 1500 words towards the first draft. Though, I've done tons of journalling, etc, AND STRESSING! Back on topic, I have a question on form. My major...
  4. diametric

    MedEntry UMAT Trial Exam 2009 - Indicator of UMAT score?

    ooh! more medentry-ers! boyapati is pretty cool, aye? yeah, i remember him saying that a 20+ in section 3 is pretty much a 100th percentile. and 30+ in section 2 a near 100th percentile. and added, one mark higher or lower can greatly affect the percentile due to the lower standard deviation...
  5. diametric

    MedEntry UMAT Trial Exam 2009 - Indicator of UMAT score?

    So, even if marks dip a bit in the actual UMAT, being a GWS resident, it might still be interview-worthy for UWS?
  6. diametric

    MedEntry UMAT Trial Exam 2009 - Indicator of UMAT score?

    Heya guys, I did the MedEntry workshop this past weekend, and obviously, the included trial exam. My marks were: S1: 27/44. S2: 30/36. S3: 18/30 What kinds of marks are these in the UMAT? Are they good marks? And is this at all a good indicator of how I'll do in the UMAT?
  7. diametric

    Post up your subjects for HSC!

    My subjects for 09 are: Extension 1 & Extension 2 English Chemistry Business and 08 was: adv. english Biology. HOORA! for 10 units! Writing a rough draft of your Major Work does not equate to "English4 is already done." There is no possible way you could of done the satisfactory research...
  8. diametric

    My poem - love it or hate it ....

    dude; do you even do ext 2? or are you posting here because it looks like the poetry section for random people such as you. i promise; it is not. Note: Can you pretty people read one of mine too? (HAHAHAHA) Amidst books fleeting, People weary, discussions heavy; Could you imagine? My surprise...
  9. diametric

    Internal marks dont count?

    LOL - yeah, I'll try to do that. Though, I think I'm headed for a failure with the Proposal. See, my teach has only ever taught this course once before, so he's not really sure about it all, and I lost the criteria sheet, AHAHAH IM SO SCREWED. I'll do it first week back, since its due second...
  10. diametric

    How did u go in ur proposal?

  11. diametric

    2007 Short Story Titles

    The Dark Man of Lourdes.
  12. diametric

    How did u go in ur proposal?

    Havent handed it in yet; its due second week back :S I have no idea what to do. Help. Please.
  13. diametric

    Assessment: Proposal

    :( Am I the only one who has not yet handed in their Proposal? Apparently it's due second week of school. I've done a fair bit of research into my area of interest and whatnot. And slowly fleshed out initial plot; but no proposal yet. I'll get started this week. Using all the abundant...
  14. diametric

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph nah; I believe it is 2u + ext 1 + ext 2, not sure about general. But, since our school doesn't offer general, doesnt matter anyway. How'd St Pius go?
  15. diametric

    What was your overall English mark?

    Advanced English - 94. A bit upsetting, I wanted more; alas, don't stuff up on the day, kids.
  16. diametric

    Maths rankings

    I saw them in the SMH Honour Roll: that is, the complete list. Happen to buy that paper?
  17. diametric

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph w00t w00t.
  18. diametric

    Internal marks dont count?

    HAHABUMP. What if I'm the only student doing extension 2 english at my school? Does my internal mark then matter? or is it just automatically the same as my external?
  19. diametric

    Difference between HSC and trial marks??

    For English and Biology We had two trials each. ENGLISH TRIAL # 1, #2, HSC 103/105, 97.5/105, 94/100 BIOLOGY TRIAL #1, #2, HSC 72/100, 80/100, 93/100 Yeah, our school marks bio hardhardhardxxxxx.
  20. diametric

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph You mean, previous years? Wow. I like that MFIS is condemned for practices its vigilant in changing and still proving successful. Which this yr, has shown true. No TAFE-ers. 5% improvement upon last yr based on credits So, what? SMH's false reporting gets...