Hey! This might me a silly question, but are you allowed to copy ideas from exemplar responses or generally other peoples ideas?? Not knowing the essay word to word just their whole story idea.. Would examiners know or will they take marks off?? Thanks
hey how do you get your studnet number pin ie the 1 for www.studentsonline.nsw.edu.au?? thanks! is it your UAC pin?!?!?! I tried it but i didnt worK! sheeya
hey pplz.. If they go ............. refer to your prescribed texts ......... do you refer 2 2 or 3??? can you refer to 3??? any1 suggest 3 is better than 2???
heyy!! Can the hsc paper ever ask to do 3 episodes?!?!? Could i have an esssay which incoorporates 3! But in each para only 2 epi and 2 related are discussed! Thanks for the input guys!
hey if you do an economics law degree here and from sydney are you allowed to apply for scholarships to pay for accomodation etc?? i didnt apply for any yet, but is it possible to apply after you get UAI?? What do you need for this?? thanksss
hey if you do an economics law degree here and from sydney are you allowed to apply for scholarships to pay for accomodation etc?? i didnt apply for any yet, but is it possible to apply after you get UAI?? What do you need for this?? thanksss
hey guys! i got an interview for an audit company and i want to know how to prepare for it..What are the type of questions they can ask?? It is a panel interview not the group ones.. And if i say i want to do commerce law would they turn that down?? should i just say commerce?? and yea what...
hey! What do they judge the early entry on?? Like is a big weighting on trial marks?? What about the resume?? Does that have a big influence (more than trial) cuz i screwed my trials up! But overall rankings are alright.. How do they base selection (weightings)?