Just a name I came up with off the top of my head. :p
I was going to use this for Unix init scripts, eg. I work out the dependencies for each service to start up. The script sorts out the 'layers'.
From there, each object/service from a certain layer would run simultaneously. I'd wait for...
Umm... I've had a project on the back-boiler for a while...
It's something that works out dependencies between objects, and arranges them in 'layers', eg. Say:
object1 dependancies:
object2 deps:
object3 deps:
From there, you can...
Firstly, the PS2, because you can set it up as a Linux box...
And secondly, XBox, because you can set it up as a Linux box (albeit 'illegally' [USA: DMCA, ne?]).
Stuff games. :D
deviant: Yay! Naruto!
Psycho*: (On the first page) $1 now? Why are they charging at all? How do they expect to measure it? What about if, say, some sap leaves his funky new wireless router wide open and the resident wardrivers sponge off his connection? They're extra users after all...
Umm... You mean you haven't realised this is exactly what the RIAA wants?
They can't stop everyone by lawsuits, but if they sue the sharers, other people stop sharing and go back to straight leeching.
How do you leech when there's noone to leech off?
(Rahul: Umm... So, you take, but you...
I started off with VB, but... I think I ended up going backwards.
Start with Pascal, I reckon. Then move onto Java, then C/C++...
All in my not-so-humble-opinion, of course. :D
#include <iostream.h>
int main(){for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++){cout << "Line #" << ii << "\n"; return 0;}}
Allows for more than four lines. Follows Unix return-value conventions.
(It's pseudo Java, though. Do you dealloc vars in C++?)
I love it. :D
Yes, you can do more things than print out 4 lines in 200 lines of code. You must be thinking of bloatware (MS's department :p ).
I prefer scripting languages nowadays, but I really should learn some C some day.