Search results

  1. J

    Case study for the HSC

    I was wondering if could get any case studies except the ones on the site??
  2. J


    I am having troubles doing an assignment. I have to find out the chemical and physical principles of various techniques of a) Analytical Chemistry b) Polymer Chemistry. And a scientist who practised it or is practising it. Does anyone know where I could find some info? Thanks
  3. J

    Is 3 unit harder then 4unit???

    I reckon 4 unit is easier. What about you guys/gals?
  4. J

    UAI Prediction

    any more predictions?
  5. J

    UAI Prediction

    Here it goes. My friend is in year 12 and he wants to know what his uai will be. Business Studies 88/100 5th/ 44 Economics 91/100 5th/66 Maths 3 unit 35/50 top 25/ 144 Maths 4 unit 35/50 top 30/ 65 English 85/100 28/166 His school is in the top 20.
  6. J

    4 unit maths

    Hi I am currently in year 11. I go to a selective school ranked in the top 20. I am getting about 80% for 3unit maths. And i was ranked about 30th out of about 150 students. Should i be doing 4 unit maths next year???