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  1. ^emmie^

    Module A - Transformations

    what two elements did everyone talk about i do hamlet/RAGAD and talked about the theme of death and structre/language
  2. ^emmie^


  3. ^emmie^

    General Thoughts - English Adv Paper 2

    i reckon the questions were fair they wernt overlly easy but they wernt hard what i didnt like about them was that you could only write about limited thing eg in transformation two elements and module B just about relationships so that was gay cause i studyed more for different stuff in fact i...
  4. ^emmie^

    thextual integrity and wuthering heights

    i really paniking cause i dont no what textual integrity fully is i have a basic idea from reading other threads if someone would be able to give me a few examples from wuthering heights it would be good cause i dont really no how to link them please write back thanks in advance
  5. ^emmie^


    thanks yer i dont care bout it either, shown by the fact i dont no what it is n the exams on mon lol but thought i should findout just in case
  6. ^emmie^


    what is it??
  7. ^emmie^

    amount of each text to write

    how much should u write on each text like should it be equal amout for all three or like 50% prescribe text and then 25% each for the two related whats everyone doing
  8. ^emmie^

    history and memory

    has anyone ever done schindler's ark (not schindlers list the movie, this is the original book the movie was made from) for there related text for history and memory cause i need help like if anyone has notes or especially quotes thanks in advance
  9. ^emmie^

    hamlet/RAGAD HSC question this year

    in last yrs HSC it seems to be the first time they have asked about a i dunno theme idea thing it was about the 'nature of moral order' what other kind of things like this could they ask
  10. ^emmie^

    Section 1 text 3

    i wrote that there is like challenges along the way n u cant plan for it kinda i think i cant even remember any more
  11. ^emmie^


    i now weve only done one exam (well i have anyway) i feel as if i dont wanna study anymore, like i know i should start studying for english paper 2 sense i havent really done anything for it but i just cant be bothered any one else feel like this also whats everyone doing during the HSC for...
  12. ^emmie^

    a question

    what kind of bands will you need for a 80 UAI i think i will get eng adv- band 4 maths- band 4 ancient- band 5 cafs- band 6 hospitality- band 5 or 6
  13. ^emmie^

    section 3???

    it says at least one related text u could have done more i did two poems one stimulus one related
  14. ^emmie^

    Section 1 text 3

    everyones saying they ddint get what it means - me included just wondering how everyone interpereted it what did u say it makes him realise
  15. ^emmie^

    General Thoughts - English Paper 1 2007

    yer i didnt learn any either oh well at least ours will answer the question.....hopefully
  16. ^emmie^

    Section 2

    haha i thought about the quote n how to put it into a story came up with a reasonably good way to do so pretty much got to the end of it and realised i forgot to put the quote in so i wrote some lame arse paragraph trying to incorporate it arhhh
  17. ^emmie^

    Supplementary Material

    journeys over land and sea the alchemist for imaginative
  18. ^emmie^

    Section 1

    hardest section one evre since everyone thought it was hard esp text three hopefully theyll scale our marks up *i live in hope*
  19. ^emmie^

    Section 2

    i did the same quote 3 and it was a river lol i think i did fair shit cause i did it in like 15 min i defo think they should give us more time espec for mondays english one
  20. ^emmie^

    the 'what would you do differently if you could do your exam again' thread

    i would learn time management haha i wrote creative writting in 15 minuties