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    Science - Need help with Plate Tectonics!

    I hope that this is of help. You have two types of crusts the one continental and the one oceanic. The continental is if the crust is part of the plate that is land while the oceanic is the part that is under the ocean on the sea floor. Now you can get ocean ridges and sea floor...
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    Why is everyone doing their HSC?

    Out of curiosity do you guys think that your marks would improve a great deal form your year 11 yearly in comparison to the hsc. As well do you think your marks would be similar in your hsc to the school certificate?
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    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    We have several subjects based on religon at my school as well. I am sure that they should be marked because our school marked them as soon as possible so we can get our yearly reports for 11.
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    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    How did hard or easy did people find the written visual arts exam? I find it quite a strange exam as you can pretty much manipulate the markers into believing you know the course even if you dont. I make up rubbish really in the exam yet i got 50 out of 50. Did every find they tend to do the...
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    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    I've gotten back all of my exams so far except for english advanced and extension. The engligh faculty at my school is extremelly slow to a radiculous degree.
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    Why is everyone doing their HSC?

    Everyone needs their uai's to be so high in comparison to mine. I want to be an architect. Need a uai min of 80 but hoping for higher then 85.
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    Just out of interest would anyone know what the Entrance Campus schools rank would be then? Would your rank as well if it is really good push your uai up alot?
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    Preliminary Ancient History Mark

    I am pretty sure that I dont the same paper as you. My mark was 82%. Curious what societies did you learn about and how long your essays and such were?