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  1. sickdog12

    So what raw mark do u reckon yous got ??

    p.s im well aware that i will never find out my raw mark for king lear.....
  2. sickdog12

    So what raw mark do u reckon yous got ??

    im aiming for like 83-85 ahh praying to god.....i did well in the AOS but fucked up king lear so bad...if i get like 10 for that ill get naked short answer: 13 creative : 15 essay : 14 BNW/BR : 16 KL : 10 Frontline: 16...
  3. sickdog12

    !!! does anyone think they have stuffed it up,!!!

    i practically am waving my uni career goodbye....totally stuffed up King Lear...omg omg omg
  4. sickdog12

    Section 3

    yeah a snapshot of the syllabus? its wat the head markers are talking rather then be a full overview where the question is broad.... they are narrowing it down making it more specific! look at the last few years before 06 all pretty broad for the teachers to get used to it and...
  5. sickdog12

    Section 3

    i agree that the question wasnt as hard as it could of been....but the thing with AOS is that the texts that people choose are so broad.... BOS must thing that this is adequate to analysise and bring together in relation to detours....ya never know they might mark it hard..? what do u think...
  6. sickdog12

    Section 2

    omg i haaate that....we got a teacher at our school for english that no matter what u put in front of her its a band 6 response haha gives me the shits... we cant get consistency at our school....the same essay.....different teacher = band 4 grrrrrrrrr :bomb:
  7. sickdog12

    Section 2

    well either u write small or u are lucky enough to be that fantastic type of writer..... well done... i just dont think i could convey my message in that time..... i wrote a crime fiction for the last so i needed mystery and a crime and shit like that ya know.... oh well goodluck
  8. sickdog12

    Section 2

    hate to say it but i think that unless u wrote some super quality work in that is just too short sorry but yeah... it has to be a sustained response with a mixture of quality and quantity...
  9. sickdog12

    Section 2

    I was quite happy with the creative wrote 9 pages and cause i do crime fiction in extension english i wrote a hard boiled crime fiction short story using the 3rd quote. i related the quote to the way evidence broken fragments etc etc heaps happy....usually my weakest but will be...
  10. sickdog12

    What topic did everyone do for their major Project?

    hey i would really like to have a look at any work u have from that...... alexander was.....well great haha he is so interesting can u plz email me asap :)
  11. sickdog12

    Ideas for Major Works

    omg i just have been reading through the whole thread and realised that i have absolutely no idea on what to do?!? none of the suggestions overly appeal to me! i havent even started anything! i do modern and have always liked a bit of ancient i am interested in wars, personallities and...
  12. sickdog12

    Rocket Launch HELP!! asap

    i need help with this practical i have to do on a rocket launch..:bomb: i just cant grasp projectile motion...everytime i look at it my head spins lol im asked to 1) calculate the net force and hence the acceleration of the rocket. Determine the "g" forces involved in the rocket launch...