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  1. lourai*87

    Bi Annual Exam Thread

    Started last wednesday, have one next Tues and the last next Wed. Not looking forward to seeing my marks. Maybe i just wont pay that library fine.
  2. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    Well.. I liked Nessun Dorma a lot - but like others said, its not something i would listen to again.. if i heard in in concert yeah, but on an album its not my thing. I was quite dissappointed with Unchained Melody. Jess.. iwasnt all that impressed really. Dean was ok but nothing...
  3. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    I bet Marcia chose Nessun Dorma for Damien. By that i mean trust her to pick something strange. Heres a vid of Michael Bolton performing it. I hope Damien can pull it off and not make it boring. I dont think this is exactly goosebumps material, although unchained melody should be awesome...
  4. lourai*87

    Does anyone know where I can find - "the journey"by Leunig

    Yeah... probably buried in a box with all my other english notes =( If i knew where they were i would scan it up for you.. Try asking your teacher. They might have some old photocopies lying around - thats how our class ended up getting it. If you dont need it urgently i will have a search...
  5. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    Wow Damien is fantasitc. Anyway; Jess - she's pretty good --> final 2. I liked her 2nd performance better actually, but she has an awesome voice for 16. Chris - *cringecringecringe* thats all i did for the first one. I think all future idols should be banned from Robbie. Its never...
  6. lourai*87

    bold and the beautiful

    I know the threads old-ish but meh.. im bored. Taylor was going out to help Phoebe (her daughter) cos she had a flat tyre. But when Taylor took ages Phoebe called Darla, so Darla was changing the tyre, lost her balance, fell back on the road just as Taylor came along and hit her. Thorne...
  7. lourai*87

    Nip/ Tuck

    I lay-by'd season 1 & 2 the other day. They were $25 each (1/2 price)... i was stoked, gived me somthing to do while waiting for the next one. It made me have withdrawals all over again though. Theyre evil for making us wait years. Oh... and they will be half price for the next few weeks at...
  8. lourai*87

    the apprentice is back!

    Missed last weeks..who left? Hopefully i remember tonight. You can actually pick up Ch9 on the radio... its 90-something-point-something, i guess thats the same everywhere. Tarek looks like Orlando Bloom..
  9. lourai*87

    Maximum number of units

    But there are only a certain amount of subjects you can take right? And then if those subjects have extentions like maths and english. But you cant say take 10 2-unit least i doubt it..
  10. lourai*87

    TV Rock suck donkey balls

    "I may find peace within the emptiness"? Its from 'Reflection' by Tool.
  11. lourai*87

    TV Rock suck donkey balls

    Drunk people dance as well...without being whores :p RE: previous comments - DJs must have some sort of musical knowledge/experience - some things would sound quite shite together. Others complement nicely. I dont imagine any old person could mix up some stuff and have it sound good. And...
  12. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    Yes i definatley meant dean. I hope he goes so that there is only one "D" person left and i wont get confused anymore :p Where do we go to find out what songs they are singing/the ones to choose from? I know ive found it before but cant for the life of me find it now!
  13. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    Aww i know and i feel really bad!! He actually did a really good performance - i liked it a lot (except for the ending). And i actually didnt mind last weeks either. Its a shame that he waited until now to step up and get away from the r&b/hip hop -- it was just getting old and boring and...
  14. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    I cant stand Ricky, although he was pretty ok last week. Im glad Lisa went, but Ricky better damn go next week. He shits me off completely.
  15. lourai*87

    Big Day Out 2007!

    nah she doesnt. She is rather technologically illiterate though and might have missed something that she didnt think she missed :p Hope it all sorted out for you anyhow =)
  16. lourai*87

    Big Day Out 2007!

    Interestingly my friend said it wouldnt let her either despite trying over and over... so i put all her stuff in and it worked staight away on my comp. Her name is also Lauren. Youre not my friend are you =p (i cant imagine her swearing like that lol) Uni at Armidale?
  17. lourai*87

    Big Day Out 2007!

    Whats everyones opinion on the odds of actually being successful in this ballot? It sounds pretty good... but then that might be entirely deceptive. ...tool is calling =(
  18. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    I think its gonna suck for the people that dont write their own material. I know Lisa, Bobby and Damien do already. Ricky possibly, I dont think Jess does. Chris is in a band isnt he? So i suppose he probably would. And I dont think Dean does either. So probably 4 people with their own...
  19. lourai*87

    is it rude to uninvite a guy to your formal??

    If he doesnt know any of your friends and youre not planning on talking to him much it might suck more for him to be there than not. Better than making everyone else feel awkward. If youre just worried that he's not good enough or something like that, its definately rude. Not worth stuffing...
  20. lourai*87

    Australian Idol 2006

    I liked Chris.. His arrogance annoys me but he really is a good performer and he always chooses good songs for himself. Bobby is a genius. Although the green gingham was a little too odd.. but hey. And Damien. Agreed at how harsh the judges are. Its awful. I mean he did look like he...