I think it depends on the class... I remember one of my classes stated that only 3 - 4% of the cohort got either a D or HD. So potentionally.. no one got a HD in that class.
Yay two Cs and a HD. Still waiting for my lecturer to work on my "incomplete" mark though. :(
Just missed out on a D by 1 mark for Modern British literature... that was sad :( but nevertheless, yay! Just glad I didn't fail anything.
Thanks so much! :D
Now I just hope they don't drop me out of another class for semester 2... since the class I got "incomplete" for was a pre-req. Argh. :(
On a brighter note, I got a HD for the class I thought I'll fail. Wooooo~
Never mind. I got it all sorted out.
They lost my assignment because I handed it in a day early to my lecturer. Now I have to email them and it's going to take 3 weeks to fix. I hate education.
Never mind. I got it all sorted out.
They lost my assignment because I handed it in a day early to my lecturer. Now I have to email them and it's going to take 3 weeks to fix. I hate education.
Okay wtf you guys, my history class results say "incomplete".
What does that mean? I went to every single class and handed in all my assessments.
English is gooooooooooooood. I enjoy it much more than my education subject. :(
Also, they might do scaling for English. Or conceeded passes. :) Don't give up yet!
I'm pretty sure some classes do. :/ I think my friend got it for a history class? But you're not taking any art classes are you?
Maybe just check with the lecturer..? (Although on a personal note, I would have NO IDEA how to go about that).
Sorry, my response probably doesn't help much but...
Generally helps to study and take your mind off whatever happened.
Also, because I'm spiteful and immature, if the person (read: assuming male) has done something to hurt me, I'll ace the exams as a screw you.
Yeah, I'm geeky like that.
Academic Writing is crap. Don't do it. I did it the first year they introduced the class. It use to be all online lectures but now they've (apparently) changed it so you have to attend lectures and tutorials. I honestly don't remember learning anything worthwhile in that class... and for some...
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)
Woooo reviewing Education subjects for third year, because no one has done this yet. :/
EDSE3044: Teaching English I (Jacky Manuel)
Ease: 3/10
This class really sort of sucks. They're not clear with what you have to do most weeks. You have a 1hr...
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)
ENGL2655: Modern British Literature (Peter Marks)
Ease: 7/10
Reading material is easy, tutorials are okay (hopefully you get a good group!). Only problem is the first assignment is a whooping 40% then an in-class presentation with report which is...