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  1. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    1000 is nothinnnnnng. I can crank that out in 2hrs if I've done all my research. You'll be fine bub. Also, ISPM I MISS YOU. That's all.
  2. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Why Niccola Parsons kicks Peter Marks as a lecturer: 1) She is aware of and understands the workngs of public holidays and does not assign essays to be dued on these dates. 2) She uses WebCT to her full advantage, emailing and updating relevant information such the weekly readings. 3) She...
  3. jayadore


    Asthetically speaking, I think USyd wins. I mean hey, who said choosing a university was based purely on education? Plus, the Arts department of USyd was ranked 6th internationally when I enrolled.
  4. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    It's hard to really manage that though. It's not like they tell you when the assignments are due in advanced (granted, some do). I mean, I don't really know until like... three weeks/a month before the assessments are due.
  5. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Wow. Do people actually pay others to write their essay(s)? (Yes, the geeky nerdy asian in me has yet to even resort to think this. I only pop ritalin but not really.)
  6. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    0/6000. Sigh. Alongside 80 kids to teach, two presentations and two birthdays. I think I'm going to be pretty sick these coming weeks.
  7. jayadore

    straight out B/A

    Not a 100% sure if this also applies for B Arts/Social Work but I know if you do B Arts/Edu, you can graduate in your 3rd year with just the Arts degree and ditch the other two years of the degree.
  8. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Haters gonna hateeee. Anyway, I spent all day in my jim jams today. I managed to get the flu even though we've "enjoyed" 25 degree days all week. :(
  9. jayadore

    Union Board Election 2010

    They're paying us to vote now? Nice. Too bad it's not enough incentive. I don't even vote for the government.
  10. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Would not mind to do graffti next week.. if it suits my ridiculous timetable. AKA not Wed or Thurs please. Alternatively, can someone just please pledge their undying love for jayadore on one of the walls? :o
  11. jayadore

    Semester 1 Draft Exam Timetable

    0 exams. I win. BOOYAH.
  12. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    boi_nut: Complaining because there's no real learning going on here. I can draw pretty pictures of myself at home. Also because I work Wed and Thurs nights from 4 -9PM. So we're in the same boat. No food, long hours. (:
  13. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Oh lame. BOS spotting is boring anyway since I don't know any new people. In my 3hr EDSE workshop last week, we spent an hour drawing visable representations of ourselves as English teachers using crayons. Yeah. That was win.
  14. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Clothes? I forget. I just saw stick figure, platinum blonde hair, lab coat and I figure, it must be you. Possibly black and jeans? And KM, it's because I ACTUALLY GO TO UNI FOUR DAYS A WEEK NOW. fml :( /wrists
  15. jayadore

    Let's rant about randoms promoting things.

    Never had any of those groups interrupt my lectures, only people running for election. Also, I like the chalk too! There was hopscotch last year which I secrently enjoyed. :o
  16. jayadore

    Union Board Election 2010

    I think I know Tim Scriven... I know Tom too. We went to school together and do the same course. I know Allistair as well. :/ I know that Ben Tang wants to cut the Access fee to 50$ for the whole year which I'd actually vote for... or not. Don't care much for politics.
  17. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    I saw Nebz today! Carrying his science coat around... 1ish near chem building. Typical. His hair is hardcore blonde.
  18. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Awwww, ahaha. At least that means you usually look nicer! I think I look terrible all the time. Mostly because I can't be bothered to brush my hair. (: By the way, the English faculty screwed up my essay. Apparently, there's another girl who's doing the same class as in with the same name and...
  19. jayadore

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Since my education classes started, I literally look like Daria in my display picture... and attend uni like that. :o