Re: University of New South Wales OR Notre Dame
if your gonna take advice dont take it from other 08ers because like they will only tell you "ive heard ....."
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sorry to bump an old thread but i was bored...
Chem1011 is really basic chem they teach you the foundations ie moles, conc etc then it gets into alittle bit of organic chem in the second part of the sem. Only do this course if you didnt do chem in high school or your abosuletly shit at chem.
For those who did hsc chem i was suggest you do...
it would prob just be in layers.
liquid h2o at the bottom, solid h2o on top of that and gasous h20 above it all.
however this only applies to water as the liquid is more dense than the solid.
Perhaps an example is in order.
Ill use water as an example since everyone is familiar with it.
At 0.01 degrees and 0.006 atmospheres water can, and does exist as solid, liquid and gas simultaneously.
CO2 = -57 C and 5.1 atm
The op did not specify if the conditions were kept constant.
The same substance can exist in three different phases simultaneously , its called the triple point.