yeh thats higher chem its not bad, its a continuation of high school chem. 3 hour labs are alrite usually everyone finishes on time.
o yeh i made a thread we can spam. General Engo Talk.
Thought ill make this thread cause me and a few others were spamming another thread.
Does anyone know what ceic1000 is about? is it as bludgy as engg1000
I wouldnt call people on this forum similar to my friends nor the randoms on my msn list primarly due to the fact that i dont know them on a personal level, in fact i honestly wouldnt care if they were similar as it would be unless information.
Online gaming is just that i dont understand how its better on 360, if someone says the community is better they obsiously have no life cause who gives a flying fuck about making friends online.
All engineers are in demand. HSC physics is totally unless in uni, besides for chem eng you only need to do phys for one sem. UNSW is the place to be for eng.