Search results

  1. Book Freak

    Greek World 500-440 BC: The Persian Wars or The Delian League

    I'm probably going to do Delian league, for our half yearly there was only one question (!) it was near enough to 'Why did Greece go to war with Persia?' and i was one of the only people to do well, cos most people changed it around, gotta admit it is a difficult question when you think about it.
  2. Book Freak

    ATARs required for music courses?

    I find the usual are asking for 70-80 or therabouts, but mostly it's: a) Audition b) Interview there's also what you play, the less common it is, the less competition, e.g. Flute and Clarinet players will soon outnumber the rest of us, as will Violins, and i don't mean that as an insult...
  3. Book Freak

    are we allowed

    It's a mini one on a long chain so i wear it like a necklace, i wear it all the time except at work, cos we can't wear jewelry
  4. Book Freak

    Shortest HSC timetable

    YES!!!!! I'm done on the 27th, WTF?!?!? I've got: 21st: Eng. 22nd: IPT 23rd: Eng. 26th: Maths. general (morning) Ancient History (afternoon) 27th: Music (aural)
  5. Book Freak

    Best pen for writing fast

    I use felt tips when i can, i got a gel and half the time nothing comes out :angry:
  6. Book Freak

    Hopeless at creative writing

    I spend about a paragraph about how the protagonist lost the only place he belonged when he lost his family and the creatures (us) destroyed his home.
  7. Book Freak

    <4 Days & I'm starting to feel sick T_T

    ugh, i feel your pain, my bro (in yr 10) has a slight case of a cold, i have less than a week to go until the HSC, so what does he do? he borrows my toothbrush! Ahhhh the love of family.:bomb::burn::angry::mad:
  8. Book Freak

    Hopeless at creative writing

    I feel the pain, mine's about a potato. Seriously. Elaboration!!! It's the DEATH of 4 potatoes, but! I don't tell you their potatoes until the END of the story!!! So it sounds reeeeeeaaaaaaly gory and disgusting when it's just mashed potatoes, chips and baked potatoes. I put in so much...
  9. Book Freak

    Should you get EXPELLED in the last week of school for throwing a waterbomb? [Poll]

    Re: Should you get EXPELLED in the last week of school for throwing a waterbomb? [Pol I feel the pain, our year held a milk chug on the back oval at lunch time. We purchased the milk, vandalised nothing and hurt no one (except the people who threw up from drinking so much milk) and they cancel...
  10. Book Freak

    Allowed to be imaginative?!

    Imagination? what's that? lol, we're at school, they don't WANT imagination, they want a perfect little story on belonging that's about a baloon wanting to be free into the sky or something. That said mine is insane. It is the death of 3 potatoes, sounds harmless enough huh? here's the rub: I...
  11. Book Freak

    are we allowed

    Well, I've got a fob watch, and they've never stopped me taking that, so I assume it's OK, just take one and if there's a problem then leave it in your bag or something
  12. Book Freak

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    There's a brilliant one I heard, you get three farmyard animals (pigs or something) and label them 1, 2 and 4, the teachers will catch them and spend the next age looking for 3, LOL!
  13. Book Freak

    Torchwood (Australian airing)

    OH. MY. GOD!! has anyone seen Children of earth??? WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY??? if there's a fourth season I probably won't watch it:mad1:
  14. Book Freak

    What are you currently Reading?

    I'm trying to re-read Frankenstein cos we're doing it next term, the comparitive study? i watched Blade Runner people, and I was like :confused: , it makes NO SENSE!!! plus, you know with Emma and Clueless you could see the connection? nooooooooo, nohohooooo, not there. I'm having great success...
  15. Book Freak

    Torchwood (Australian airing)

    oh, I LOVE season two, especially dead man walking and fragments, Season two's more... I don't know the word but i think its cos they work more as a team and there's less of the petty fights
  16. Book Freak

    Torchwood (Australian airing)

    why don't you like it? what's wrong with it?
  17. Book Freak

    Dr Who

    I just recon it should be a guy, it's always been a bloke and they're a bit late in the series to change that now, the only girl doctor I've ever seen was in the curse of fatal death, any1 here seen that? it's HILARIOUS ("Only the daleks, don't have noses" lol)
  18. Book Freak

    Torchwood (Australian airing)

    anyone seen series 2 yet? I cried when I saw Exit Wounds, looooove dead man walking, best episode EVER! (and Fragments)
  19. Book Freak

    Dr Who

    I don't think anyone knows who it's gonna be right now, I might be prejudiced towards past doctors but I 'recon it should be a bloke, just cos it always has been and he's only got 3 regenerations left :cry:
  20. Book Freak

    Dr Who

    David Tennant was my first doctor so now I'm really sad he's going :uhoh: , hav u heard that there's gonna be another doctor played by David Morresy in the christmas special?