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  1. FunkmistrssDina

    Je ne sais pas comment on tudie pour le Franais...

    Je suis tellement impressionn envers le niveau de Franais que vous parlez! J'ai un grand problme... je n'ai pas des <<killer phrases>>... les petits phrases qui sont prpars, et que les examineurs aiment lire. Blergh. Je voudrais etre en bande 6 et en bande 4 pour le Franais, mais...
  2. FunkmistrssDina


    I repeat: Gae Callender sucks. She is a certified dipshit, and her textbooks treat the readers as if they are idiots. (The Old Kingdom Egypt one and Minoan/Mycenae books were written specifically for the HSC syllabus, yet she fails to acknowledge that we posess brains) HATE HATE HATE...
  3. FunkmistrssDina

    Old Kingdom Egypt! HELP!!!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I worked out the military thing earlier today... apparently it was a conscriptive army at the time of Weni, and he had to gather the conscripts. But yeah, minimal info :) Thanks of the Re priesthood, I had no idea what aspect to talk about :P
  4. FunkmistrssDina

    How do you file your notes?

    Yes but I only have two extension subjects, so I just chose yellow (Cause it was closest to the orange, closer than the red I was looking at, at the time) and blue (close to the purple) Geddit? i do! I wish I'd done that shole summary thing. Too late now!
  5. FunkmistrssDina

    How's This For Stress?

    I can't complain about my timetable, except for ancient being the day after eng paper 2... My two most content based exams :( I got eng paper 1- mon week 1 eng paper 2 - wed week 1 ancient - thurs week 1 2u french - wed week 2 3u french - fri week 2 art - mon week 3 3u eng - fri week...
  6. FunkmistrssDina

    How do you file your notes?

    Ok.. (It's not very interesting, a bit boring and a bit dull, I'd say :p) Well my extension subjects needed similar colours for 2u and 3u courses, so I chose yellow + orange, and blue +purple. I like blue and purple better than yellow and orange, and because I like French more than English...
  7. FunkmistrssDina

    Old Kingdom Egypt! HELP!!!

    Another question... Theres a dot-point for role of the army. I can't seem to find anything on military activity during the Old Kingdom. Do I just write 'no army' or 'had no major role'??? PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE help if you can :)
  8. FunkmistrssDina


    onions grow hair? I like that analogy!
  9. FunkmistrssDina

    Help me think of the word (Hamlet)

    Ah dan... good to see that nothing's changed about you! :p I just don't know how else to structure the essay, if not though the themes?
  10. FunkmistrssDina

    How do you file your notes?

    Hahaha i'm so glad I forced myself to be organised this year... Although I usually suck at it. I'm a visual person, so I assigned each subject a colour (2u Eng - Yellow, 3u eng - orange, 2u french - blue, 3u french - purple, ancient - red/pink, art - green) There was a theory why i gave each...
  11. FunkmistrssDina

    one month...

    Yup... unfortunately :/ And Tess has been planning to have hers on her b-day (Same as yours, 14th) all year, but Caity just sent out invites for her party on the same night! I dunno whats going to happen, but it's not my battle to fight! I'm only 18 in feb so there won't be much competition...
  12. FunkmistrssDina

    Je ne sais pas comment on tudie pour le Franais...

    Cet forum est completement mort! Muahah I studied french today (i.e. read an article). The above probably has a few mistakes in it though. S'il existe personne l, dites-moi: Comment tu fais le preperation pour l'examen? J'ai un peu de la trac... Je fais toujours beaucoup des erreurs...
  13. FunkmistrssDina

    answering different sections?

    Hahaha it gets worse... I only came to high two years ago. I was at a private school before! You boys are so not lesser beings... well maybe sometimes :p I didn't realise there was that much of a difference between boys school and ours?
  14. FunkmistrssDina

    Bow Pics

    Me too! I'm definately going to keep creating, it's just that no-ones going to ever force me to create again! :) I like that sort of freedom, it's what art's about to me!
  15. FunkmistrssDina

    My BOW

    (I know this is late, I;m just bored!) I particularly like 1 and 3, very expressive/lovely composition. I'd think of more to say but I'm tired.... good work though!
  16. FunkmistrssDina

    How many Yr12 art students in your school

    We have/had 20 girls... I moved up from 20th to 17th in rankings... YAY!! I sucked most of the year. I didn't understand it at all :/ But i think I got it together at the end of the year! I got 39.8/50. I WANTED 40! WHY NOT GIVE ME FUKN 40! Damn the markers. :p
  17. FunkmistrssDina

    Bow Pics

    Misc is good, misc is goooooooood :p I'm so glad art prac is over though. I will never be forced to draw/paint/create again!
  18. FunkmistrssDina

    a quick message

    Well, it was the first time I tried caring about sport and going for a team and they let me down... :(
  19. FunkmistrssDina

    Do you have a Crap english teacher?

    My teacher rules. You people have different teachers for 2u and ext? Weird! I've had the same teacher for years 11+12, 2u and 3u english. Shes a bit crazy but in that great absent-minded english teacher way.
  20. FunkmistrssDina

    a quick message

    I went for the roosters a few years ago... That time they got into the grand final first time in 20 years or something? I had the little elastics on my braces changed to blue and red. Then they lost. So I had them turned back to pink and green. Fluro, I might add!