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  1. gracerawl88


    i believe people should be allowed out early. during in school exams we were not allowed to leave and those who finished would click pens, cough, fiddle, talk, pass notes and drop stuff wen going thru their pencil cases.. more annoying than those getting up and leaving.
  2. gracerawl88


    i know! wat was up with the booklet thing?? we argued with the supervisors to get another 8 page booklet. i was given 3 4 page booklets and an 8 page. friend behind me asked for more, so i have no idea why the board of studies thought we'd only use 12 pages for a 3 hour exam.. silly silly.
  3. gracerawl88


    What annoyances have you experienced? today we had a dog walking around in the hall during our reading time. he licked my toes and was sniffing at us.. rooster crowing trucks creaking of old hall. FLYS!!!!!
  4. gracerawl88

    Pompeii Q- modern methods and technologies

    with the thing bout Bisel and Lazer, you could have linked that to how Bisel linked the woman with bones with marks indicting hard work with lifting and knitting and sewing etc. this can show everyday life...
  5. gracerawl88

    what's your worst/best topic?

    my best was probably sparta, did it first so stuck in first maybe lol i dont know.. then pompeii n herc.. interesting to a certain extent.. then alexander. oh alex, our relationship was beautiful to start off with.. but you just, drove me to insanity in the end. i gave up caring about you and...
  6. gracerawl88

    Pompeii Q- modern methods and technologies

    i loved this question, so easy! theres been heaps of documentaries and things on tv lately to do with this. one ep of beyond tomoro showed the NASA laser technologies, and MRI scans are pretty much basic knowledge these days. thing on vesuvius on the abc last week showed things to do with the...
  7. gracerawl88


    yeah i only talked about how he became king of macedonia. his education, tutoring, blood rites etc. i only just filled over 2 pages.. how did everyone else do? i felt iffy about that for a 10 mark, but i couldnt get anything else in there.. like the one about the army n generals.. basically...
  8. gracerawl88

    Finishing early + other stuff

    i thought it was well spaced out. had heaps of time. finished bout 12.20, so i just read over answers and made sure all the numbers n such were right. we only had 4 people sit it and 1 left at 11.30/12ish and the other at 12, but me and a friend stayed whole time.
  9. gracerawl88

    Your thoughts on the exam

    yes i hate bio... good luck to you too :D
  10. gracerawl88


    yeah ive faced this dilemma early on in my relationship and just kinda had to realise that i was ulitmately he one he wanted and it was a mistake. people make mistakes.. nearly 4 years now... so i think its personal choice really. do you think your gunna marry the guy? is it worth the trouble...
  11. gracerawl88

    Pompeii and Herculaneum Food Question

    what school are you from? did you also go with one girl and teacher from an inland school?
  12. gracerawl88

    Your thoughts on the exam

    i wrote about his preparation for the throne, eg tutored by aristotle, military training n such. how his dad was king so he just successed him.. how he was bascialyl born to be king, so olympia ensured it and such.. him thinking he was a god like achilles..
  13. gracerawl88

    Pompeii and Herculaneum Food Question

    yeah i thought it was a bit dodge. raved on bout garum and what they like to eat n such. my friend sed after wards (who has been to pompeii) "yeah i thought bout syaing that ive sat on it but didnt think that'd get me extra marks, due to the whole conservation question further on"
  14. gracerawl88

    Why was Spartan women 10 marks?

    i thought it was a good 10 mark question... if you know stuff bout women. it is spartan society, and women were a big part in society.. birthing, inheriting, control of house when husband not home, propagandists, singing, poetry. heaps of stuff. good question.
  15. gracerawl88

    Your thoughts on the exam

    loved it! pompeii... sexellent! sparta, question on women... MWAH!!! alexander.. didnt like the first q much, but still went good! julio claudians.. did claudius, managed to fill a booklet! quite happy!!! plus we got chocolate after! :D
  16. gracerawl88

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts

    i thought the speeches q was good, wen reading thru i saw the TWO speeches n thought score! although it did look a bit bare compared to the other answers, and perhaps 3 should have been better, but ran out of time anyway. was writing conclusion on powerplay after she sed pens down..
  17. gracerawl88

    Final Comments:To Shakespeare et. al. (Farewell wishes-goodbye!)

    you suck shakespeare. hope your rotting in your grave
  18. gracerawl88

    Module C: Representation and Text

    SAME! sucked so bad! im not the strongest at powerplay, but geeeez.. there goes my band 5 hopes.. my teacher thought it was a good paper...
  19. gracerawl88

    so who cheated?

    true that, only NSW n ACT students do the HSC. does anyone else think the VCE is stupid? my bf is a VCE student and only has 3 exams, yet is able to apply for a UAI/ENTER score. i did write maths formulas on my ruler once for like a yr 10 in school half yearly.. no one really cares.. is wrong...