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  1. M

    Course Decision Day

    Hey guys, The event tonight is between 4-8pm, you can actually come and go at whatever time you please, you don't need to attend for the entire duration. The event is held in the afternoon / evening as many students come along with their parents who are generally only available outside of...
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    Course Decision Day

    Hey guys, The event tonight is between 4-8pm, you can actually come and go at whatever time you please, you don't need to attend for the entire duration. The event is held in the afternoon / evening as many students come along with their parents who are generally only available outside of...
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    What does this email mean??? Can someone explain it to me?

    Hi, I’m a student of UWS and also work at the information centre at UWS and basically what this email is saying is that based on your UAI you are eligible to receive an offer in either the preliminary round or main round for the course/s listed in your email ... however offers in the preliminary...
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    B Applied Science (Sports and Exercise Science) Question

    ‘Recommended knowledge’ and ‘Assumed knowledge’ mentioned in the UAC Guide and the UWS website pretty much refer to the same concept. Essentially, having any two units of English and any 4 units of science / maths is merely for your benefit so that you will not find the content within your...
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    alternative entry

    Hey GreenLeaf, Luckily this year the bonus points scheme does apply if your UAI is below sixty. So this means that even if someone’s UAI is 58 or even 53 they are still eligible for the regional bonus scheme or the subject bonus scheme. Just remember that one person can have a maximum of 10...
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    Priority offer scheme nomination qstn...

    They will only consider UWS preferences within your top 3 preferences. So they will consider your 1st but not the 5th.
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    psych honours...

    Hi Buttercup, I checked the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology and it says that the course is open to any graduate with the equivalent of an accredited 3 year psychology major within the APS framework. So you should be right to apply for the arts honours :) You...
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    B bus (property)-UWS VS Property economics-UTS

    Hey Lind, There is a great website you might like to check out for the business options at UWS >> As Lara mentioned, the first year of the BBC is common, so it gives you some time to decide your direction. The Blackrown campus wont close until mid 2009 and...
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    Priority offer scheme nomination qstn...

    You may still fill out the 9 preferences available, yet only your first 3 preferences will be considered for the Early Priority Offer :)
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    What is the HSC candidate number?

    Hey, the form was just created with one less box than was needed. Your board of studies student number is the correct one. So you/your course advisor can just write the final number next to the last box which should solve the problem.
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    Help finding scholarships

    Hey, not sure where you're planning on going to uni, but I know that UWS has heaps of scholarships available. Their website is :
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    Univeristy later on..

    Sew2289 vbmenu_register("postmenu_3641049", true); do Uni when it suits you. It sounds like you have a plan anyway. Your UAI will still be ‘valid’ and what’s more your flight school study may even help you get into Uni. At UWS, applicants who aren’t finishing the HSC in the same year as...
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    Psych @ uws and beyond?

    Hey, I would suggest calling the UWS Course Information Centre on 1800 897 669 as it is serviced by current UWS students, some of which study Psychology. I am sure they could help you out or put you in touch with the course adviser. I would also suggest calling the Australian Psychological...
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    Criminology and criminal law?

    It is possible to do part-time at UWS for law, two subjects or less is considered part-time. Also both full-time and part-time students can elect to do some night classes. FLEXIBLE! The 2008 UAI was 90 but it can fluctuate. BONUS POINTS: I would recommend reading the information for...
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    If you would like to know more about any UWS courses you should call the UWS Course Inofrmation Centre on 1800 897 669. It is serviced by current UWS students so they can tell you what it is like to study at UWS, and if you have really specific questions they can put you in touch with the course...
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    Is University of Western Sydney a good school to do Translation and Interpretation ?

    I assume you’re referring to the Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation). I have a friend in that course and apparently their NEW equipment is more state of the art that at the United Nations. The academics also trained all of the interpreters used at the Sydney Olympics and helped the...
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    Uni-Track and STAT??? HELP PLEASE

    Hey all $hiftyIceQueen vbmenu_register("postmenu_3644654", true); is right about Unitrack, those links are handy. However, I would add that STAT could help you get into UWS also. When looking at applicants that aren’t completing this HSC this year, UWS looks at four criteria: 1. HSC or...
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    Hecs and units...

    Hey Guys Ok so here is how it works…. Make sure you have supplied your TAX FILE NUMBER (you can check this on the Student Fees Account – Tax invoice and Advice of Enrolment – it should say ‘YES’ under the heading TFN Supplied). IF you have supplied the TFN then there is no need for concern...
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    Approved response Hi, here are some useful links for you: For information on the academic advising days, please go to this site: For info on orientation, please go to this site. For...
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    Science (ADV) unit selection help

    Hi, I’m a student at UWS and I also work in the UWS call centre. Anyone having difficulty with using the My Student Records (MySR) system should call the MySR Helpline on 1300 668 370. We can help if you are having difficulty navigating the system, enrolling in units, etc. It’s best if you can...