I just bought myself the "Pilot Hi-techpoint V7 Grip" today too.
So smooth, and much easier to write quicker. And neater.
Damn ball point pens, I press so hard I see the imprints through a few pages, and those hand cramps.
Yes, SAME!
Last week I did 6hours pretty easy, not after I've had lunch i start lagging and falling asleep.
But today, i've managed to get a bit more work done than I have the past few days.
1600 may be too much.
My essays are mostly 1100-1200 and I do that just in the 40minute time frame.
But yes, I'd cut it down just in case you don't finish it.
YES! I miss seeing my friends and teachers regularly.
And then, all those friends that you've made and become especially close with this past year that you won't really ever see again.
Sad. Tear. :(