Search results

  1. Grizzly

    FINS2624 & FINS3616

    3616 is VERY straight forward. 90% of exam questions are carbon copy of the Conceptual and Problem questions u do for ur tute work. And they're not very hard at all. The book's an easy read, and so are the lecture notes. I went to about 3 lectures and got a D - so i dont even remember...
  2. Grizzly

    BCom/BEc and actuarial studies

    omgg thats awweesome im gonna read about it more to see if its worth the transfer. (major pro is no gen eds!) edit: what omg, u still have to do gen eds >(
  3. Grizzly

    B Com - I'm confused

    I know the acst mac students would prolly disagree, but the "actuarial degree" at macq is still a commerce degree - just majoring in acst ;)
  4. Grizzly

    BCom/BEc and actuarial studies

    Huh come the 2006 online handbook doesnt have anything about B comm / B econ
  5. Grizzly

    FINS2624 & FINS3616

    lol, nicely put shawny,
  6. Grizzly

    FINS2624 & FINS3616

    Both are very good subjects. I'd recommend doing them at the same time, because 2624 helps you with your 3616, otherwise if you do 3616 in sem 2 like me, you forget bits and pieces. 2624 is also much more difficult than 3616. Ports had 1 mid session, 2 group assignments, 1 group...
  7. Grizzly


    Tutes are useful believe me , 3 straight hours of cap markets wil drive u insane.
  8. Grizzly

    BCom/BEc and actuarial studies

    Thats crazy... I wanna change to that i can do an econometrics major....
  9. Grizzly

    BCom/BEc and actuarial studies

    Excuse my ignorance, but since when can you do a B comm / B Ec double degree ?
  10. Grizzly


    Because it has no tutorials.
  11. Grizzly

    Portfolio Mgmt

    Oh ok then - well thats what i heard.
  12. Grizzly

    Portfolio Mgmt

    In Sm2 the final was negatively marked, But when i did it in Sm1 it wasnt. 1612 is boring. Too much woffle about Cap Markets blah blah
  13. Grizzly

    Portfolio Mgmt

    Not at all, FINS2624 is a good subject! Its challenging, and ignoring the teaching styles, i found it the most practical uni subject in my life. (I've applied theories, calculations, and charts to personal stock and option trades).
  14. Grizzly

    weird : windows login

    Im a bit lazy atm to install sp2 How do i make windows save my admin user settings ? :S
  15. Grizzly

    weird : windows login

    Hey guys, Just something weird im experiencing on my desktop pc.... You know when u get the welcome screen in XP PRO (im not running SP2) - well, when i click on my admin account, enter PW, its hangs for about the "applying new settings" or whatever stage...with quite a bit of...
  16. Grizzly

    Special Consideration

    omg, didnt know she was a CA and CPA ...far out, some ppl do love accting :rolleyes:
  17. Grizzly

    Accountancy Firms

    Top of my head; and in no particular order :p bell partners, korda mentha, pitcher partners, pkf, hall chadwick, borough mazars, walter turnbull, forsythes, mclean delmo, cassiniti & assoc. haha, just go to one of them accting career events and you'll find heaps more i think
  18. Grizzly

    combining accg with law

    Yeh good luck with the law app Rahul. The onli con i can think of is, while your at macq for the extra 2..maybe 3 years doing the law degree , accting students in our year would have already (almost) completed their CA / CPA. But its not an issue. :)
  19. Grizzly

    Best Graphic Card for 4x AGP??

    Really?! 8| omg, im gonna try it in DX7, not 9.
  20. Grizzly


    Awesome - that must be a new site.