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  1. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    which lecturer do i get? hope i get prue vines... heard shes pretty gud lecturer...
  2. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    lol... i reckon... all classes compressed in2 two days... 2 bloody 9hr days...
  3. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    tib + newb... i just jigsawed that from faculty/schools websites... so nothing's definite... we have to enroll by 20th... n we choose time slots during enrollment... so presumably u gota allocate ur timetable b4 20th feb... however that said... it'd prolly b a gud idea to do it early cos law...
  4. rukawasan

    So whos doing law?

    bro... u dont have to take the steps.... theres a bus from central that takes u up the hill
  5. rukawasan

    100 without 4U mahts?

    somebody 2002 got 100 with no ext subjects... so 100 is achievable with any combination of subjects... higher scaling subjects n selective schools enhance ur chances... but nevertheless it is still a far shot for ANYBODY!!! incl. dux of JR couldnt even guarantee 100 cos if ur that tiptop its too...
  6. rukawasan

    Too late to change subjects?

    b consistent in all subjects rather than hog one or two but ignore the rest... suicidal for ur uai
  7. rukawasan

    So whos doing law?

    asq... are all the books in the recommended reading list for LAWS1502 available at unsw bookshop?
  8. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    lol... dos u good 2 b out everyday... for me if a stay home ill prolly just sleep n procrastinate... n also if u look at the course outline its alot of bloody b4/post lecture/tut reading... u'd b hardpressed to compress everythin in2 acoupla days... it'd b hell the nite b4
  9. rukawasan


    way too subjective to answer without more info
  10. rukawasan

    Printing heaps

    buy the successone pastpaper books... 1980s rite up to now... save u time to actually do those past papers... most ppl i noe print out heaps of papers but never end up doing them... to b honest... i only did bt 5papers each for 2/3 u maths... was revising the theory rite up to coupla days...
  11. rukawasan

    So whos doing law?

    i dunno... alrite... its just my personal opinion... but unsw just seems a much warmer campus... more studently friendly... without that 'survival of the fittest' atmosphere usyd gives me... like everyone's trying to outdo each other...
  12. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    oh but she repays the favour well... last nite was most satisfying... n eye opening...
  13. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    mon 9-11 LAWS1052 1-2 ECON1101 3-4 ECON1202 tues 12-1 ACCT1501 2-4 LAWS1502(Research) wed 930-11 ACCT1501(TUT) 1-2 ECON1101 2-3 ECON1202 thurs 9-1 LAWS1502 12-1 ACCT1501 2-3 ECON1202 (TUT) frid 10-11 ECON1101(TUT) this is preliminary... still deciding... wot bt u... oh yeh.. btw...
  14. rukawasan

    100 without 4U mahts?

    sure its possible... one or two ppl manage it every yr... but not likely... the fact is 100 is so difficult to attain that even if u do the best scaling subjects, eg 4u maths/eng, latin/greek, phys/chem/eco... u'd have to b rite at the top to even have a crack at it... pigs last yr was a sure...
  15. rukawasan

    why BOP = 0 always?

    shit... u guys are pretty quick... i didnt figure this out til mid lastyr
  16. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    mic... u must choose...
  17. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

  18. rukawasan

    So whos doing law?

    that explains why usyd full fee still has vacancies but unsw is full...
  19. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    man... tolerance in this thread is zero!
  20. rukawasan

    guys at unsw

    Re: Re: Re: Re: guys at unsw agreed aboslutely... theres nothin wrong with dying hair n wearing poka dot scarfs or wotever it is u guys think asns do... n yes its part of their culture... its their pop culture... i said this before... its like dissing african americans for listening to...