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  1. barling89

    07 Ruse graduate. Economics and English specialist, HSC marks of 95+

    yes i also wondered about that....but i guess that someone had to slip up
  2. barling89

    Buying Textbooks For First Year Of Uni!!

    it certainly did, thanks alot! :)
  3. barling89

    Buying Textbooks For First Year Of Uni!!

    hellow there world :wave: Does anyone know when we find out wot books we need and when should start buying them? It would also be good if some ppl know of some 2nd hand bookstores. The bookstore near the Arc Centre on campus is pretty expensive
  4. barling89

    07 Ruse graduate. Economics and English specialist, HSC marks of 95+

    eeek....:jaw: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. My school only had 60 students in yr12. btw yiwank, wot r u doin this year?
  5. barling89

    UNSW O-Week

    lol mmkay. But it looks like fun and I'll finally be able to meet some ppl, so I'll just go and be a team player......not sure about joining Arc though.... thanks man, and yeah...where IS smexy?!
  6. barling89

    your current favourite song

    The Long Spring - by Explosions in the Sky They're playing at the Manning Bar in usyd! it's sold out though :(
  7. barling89

    Explosion at Broadway Shopping Centre

    they've also got salads. A dodgy thing with the salads is that if ur ordering a 3 salad combo; they shove them all into the same container. Kinda stinge
  8. barling89

    UNSW O-Week

    i have to?
  9. barling89

    UNSW O-Week

    i haven't seen all of this thread and can't be bothered to do so, but does o-week have official start times on each day? is it always around 9am?
  10. barling89

    Explosion at Broadway Shopping Centre

    yeh it's pretty good, but how weird r the names of the burgers lol
  11. barling89

    07 Ruse graduate. Economics and English specialist, HSC marks of 95+

    um...random question here but........what's the lowest UAI someone has received at James Ruse? i'm just curious :) i heard that ppl at James Ruse tell each other their UAI's by saying .75 or .xx as in, they assumed that they would have all achieved a 99.xx ; u'd feel pretty bad if you...
  12. barling89

    Transport advice for UNSW

    hey Vylen, do you know where those Express UNSW buses depart from? I've been going to central and catching the Maroubra Jcn buses, but I know that there are prepaid express ones that are like 801 or does the prepaid thing work btw? i'm gonna be there 5 days a week if ur wonderin
  13. barling89

    Explosion at Broadway Shopping Centre

    aww damn missed the explosion and the panic. I Was there yesterday aswell eating a Logie burger from some weirdo place called BUrger Bun or wasn't cooked entirely..should've just got subway
  14. barling89

    how to get there?

    mate just get to central and keep an eye out cuz u'll see the building easily. Once your out of central, walk to the main bus terminal on george street and look up into the citysky. Can't miss UTS If you walk along the front of UTS (not inside) u'll c maps of the different buildings they...
  15. barling89

    How Do I Choose A Study Plan Within Adv Science!!

    wot's computer science like anyways? is the maths difficult? cuz u guys are doing science based subjects, could i ask how many contact hrs u have per week? i've got 29 hours per week :( and i dont really like the prospects
  16. barling89

    How Do I Choose A Study Plan Within Adv Science!!

    alright thanks for clearing that up. But I'm still having ALOT of problems with subject sessions CLASHING! this system is fkn annoying me and all of a sudden it forbids me to enrol into Physics 1A - wtf
  17. barling89

    USYD OR UNSW? B Eng/Sci

    i look forward to research, and besides, the industry is growing. I'm not going to be limited to solar cells, there's plenty of jobs out there (just not in Aus)
  18. barling89

    How Do I Choose A Study Plan Within Adv Science!!

    thanks for your help Vylen; but would it still be the same subjects even if I do Advanced Science? because I have to do an Advance Science seminar and this gets me up to 30 UoC per semester :confused: isn't that too much??
  19. barling89

    Advisory Day 12th Feb

    i reckon we should all make nametags with our BOS usernames :)
  20. barling89

    How Do I Choose A Study Plan Within Adv Science!!

    hello there, I'm an undergrad with no idea of how the enrolment process works within myUNSW. I'm doing Advanced Science and would like to follow the Vision Science study plan --> but when I'm in myUNSW it doesn't give me an option of choosing a Study PLan - ANY study plan! It doesn't even...