lets say
$10 of stock + $20 of pruchases - $30 closing stock
COGs = 0 < wtf does that mean? i sold zero dollars of stock??
thats according to ur word eqn BLISS
actually isnt it more than 1 month doesnt that counter exclude weekends:D
5 weeks and like 1 day
that is still plenty of time, to study if u havent already
our teacher didnt want to do shipwreck cos he said all the smart selective schools do it, and they do it heaps betta than the rest of the state. He says that in the HSC our responses would be of alot lower quality than theirs, therefore we would get lower marks
Chem in yr 11 really sucked, but once u start to realise that it is one of the best scaling subjects (in my case) u will begin to work on it, and once u do it will become alot more fun.
Yr12 is alot more interesting than 11, in my opinion