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  1. Rosie

    What'd you think?

    For groups in context essays i did...the aged and homeless for part b and homeless and aborigines for part c! i wasm't going to talk about the aged at all but then i realised it fit really well with the question coz i was able to talk about how the aged needs are met by housing through nursing...
  2. Rosie


    For part c of parenting and caring i talked about how each parent should always realise their responsibilities and i then went through a whole heap of responsibilities that a parent has....stating that it doesn't matter what religion you are or if your autocratic democratic type parent you still...
  3. Rosie

    lots of paper

    I agree with you. Having lots of notes is better than having none at all so i'm really thankful for that! I think CAFS is a good subject...personally i chose it because i hope to get a bachelor of early childhood teaching next year so my teacher advised me to do this course as there is no...
  4. Rosie

    anyone cheat on the HSC?

    A couple of people actually handed in scrap pieces of paper to the supervisors at my school lol....stupid :p and without fail there would be atleast 20 mobile phones being handed in before the exam starts! And for the general maths exam our deputy principal went around checking every single...
  5. Rosie

    Hows Studying Going So far?

    Thats cool! My PIP was all about interpreting dreams and as my cross cultural perspective i actually did Aboriginal dreamtime! i found it interesting myself. :) The thing about this exam is that there are a lot of 'society words' that you have got to remember to add into your essays and you...
  6. Rosie

    how many pages?

    My teacher offered an excel textbook to the class about a week before the exam coz she had only just got them in.. but it was very summarised and practically everything i had on sheets of paper n stuff so i didn't really use it! :rolleyes: CFS was the subject i had the most sheets for.... I...
  7. Rosie

    how many pages?

    How many pages did everyone write? i wrote about 6-7 pages for q16,17 and 19. And did anyone find the excel textbook helpful?
  8. Rosie

    Hows Studying Going So far?

    Well i had a community and family studies exam yesterday so today is my no study day lol....but im going ok with society. I'm glad its my last exam coz it gives me more time to study for it but i wish it wasn't on the last day! What are you doing for your topics? i'm doing...PNG as the...
  9. Rosie

    PIP Topics

    I did my PIP on dreams...and my main aim was to find out why people would want their dreams interpreted and if dreams have any significance on our daily lives. It was fun and interesting coz it made me think about my own dreams and how they can really reflect how we are feeling the previous...
  10. Rosie

    What'd you think?

    I agree the homeless one was hard so i just put high housing costs and parental responsibilities...i also found question 6 about the graph weird and i have never heard of family first initiative for number 7! the rest were ok tho. I got 4 different to you missella but we still got similar...
  11. Rosie

    What'd you think?

    here are my multiple choice was hard so i dunno if they are all right or not: c,a,b,d,c,c,a,a,b,d what did everyone else get?:)
  12. Rosie

    What'd you think?

    i also did the social impact of technology as an option topic. I liked the case study question because i was able to talk a lot about the piece of technology i studied and it fitted under individuals, families and communities. But i agree with you that the second part of it was difficult. We...
  13. Rosie

    What'd you think?

    Hey, i thought the exam was pretty good! I'm heaps tired after it though coz of all the exams questions! I agree with you with the multiple choice. The short answer questions were mostly research based which i found strange. Also in the first part of the groups in context essay how we had to...