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  1. I

    Related Text - Stripped, Raped and Strangled - Cannibal Corpse

    I would not choose this song for an English Belonging related text as there aren't enough different aspects of Belonging/not Belonging to explore but more importantly, your song may be a bit too unnecessarily graphic for your marker and they may mark you down accordingly (whether you deserve it...
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    the crucible

    In my mind it doesn't really. Are you doing About A Boy or something as a related for Belonging? *Maybe* you could propose that individuals are affected by larger social networks and institutions, whether positively or negatively. This suggests ways in which individuals experience both positive...
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    ATAR guessing Game

    Re: Baydogg's Prediction Game I checked the Sam calculator just then and it suggested a 91.25 with those marks. I dunno about you but I don't think a difference of 2.75 is insanely inaccurate. I'm hoping the marks I gave for Maths and Phys are absolute minimum, so hopefully it'll balance out...
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    All nighter on BoS on dec16th

    + 1 Don't recall getting a single decent night's sleep during 3 weeks of HSC exams and I think it'll show on my results:( Oh well. I think I'm going to get a really pretty haircut or something to distract myself lol. And then on ATAR day dress up in my cardboard spongebob costume and try and...
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    ATAR guessing Game

    Re: Baydogg's Prediction Game Advanced English : 88 Actual -> 91 Extension English 1 : 40 -> 42 Maths Advanced : 75 -> 81 Physics : 75 -> 82 Legal Studies : 93 -> 93 Society and Culture ...
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    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    AnitaSleepOnIt Anita Think Anita Eat Anita Play! :) Anita Sign! Anita Run Anita Brain LivinAnitaLoca Anita Fajita Anita Leave Anita Bored MAn ita (Man Eater) anitate (annotate) Anita Hungry Anita Hug! :) InsANITAry sANITArium Lol there's a strong possibility you'll like none of them but oh...
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    Is it morally wrong to break the law?

    Morals can be considered one's personal beliefs about what is right and wrong, whether or not it complies with wider society. So in any scenario it depends. It definitely isn't necessary that one violates their own moral code by breaking the law e.g. taking illegal drugs, non violent protests...
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    P.I.P idea

    Erm, definitely don't use these forums as your secondary research, they're not reliable! But I can understand you have an interesting idea, and you could use the ideas to research specific aspects about generational attitudes towards hindu-muslim relationships. Also, if you can get people...
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    P.I.P idea

    That still sounds too vague but I realise that's why you're writing here:P Every PIP needs a cross cultural component be it culture, religion, generation. etc so at least you've narrowed your cross cultural component to culture or religion so congrats:P It's probably harder to do one focussing...
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    Measuring Intelligence

    As much as I love humanities, measuring intelligence should never boil down to whether being adept at maths or english signifies greater intelligence. Intelligence exists in many forms, and is appreciated in different ways by different cultures. All maths or english can signify in this context...
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    Is this a good PIP idea or not??

    I think if you are really passionate about it you could make it work. Of course doing a PIP on The Big Issue Magazine in itself wouldn't make a good pip. What is it about the magazine that you wish to research? How does a study of the magazine convey interactions between persons, environments...
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    PIP Resources?

    There is no minimum/maximum number of required research methodologies, only as many or as few as you need to deliver your PIP in the best way you feel is possible. As KnifeySpooney suggests, 3 - 4 of these resources (I would say 6 ABSOLUTE max but that would be pushing it!) should be primary...
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    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    There's a small one on the front near the top left corner and a larger one sprawled across the back
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    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    I know this is muchly old but now I don't wear my uniform anymore thought I'd put up my jersey names (well that and I'm insanely bored). My last name's Khan so on the back I got Genghis and on the front I got Yes We Khan. I wanted Khan't Touch This but it wouldn't fit on the back and apparently...
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    Parents reaction to you not making it?

    Hope you stick it out and end up doing what you love, rather than what's most prestigious. You've made it this far, I'm sure you'll be able to pursue your dreams, not your parents' :)
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    Ranks get released at 5pm today whos excited? :D

    15140 English (Advanced) 45/ 124 15160 Extension English 1 48/ 78 15220 Legal Studies 3/ 10 15420 Mathematics 50/ 69 15330 Physics 19/ 32 15350 Society and Culture 6/ 18 All the same as my report so fortunately no problems. Wish...
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    ATAR guessing Game

    My guess is 90-95. I'll see if I'm right soon enough:P Real: 95.7
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    What proof is there that i exist?

    "I think, therefore I am". Socrates By the very fact you question whether your existence is a figment of your own imagination or dreamt up by yourself, you have confirmed to yourself that you exist, through your thoughts. As mentioned by undulay, it depends on what you define "existence" to...
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    Ruddkip's Word Police

    That is kind of weird and kind of interesting. I always thought politics is where the general defamation laws don't apply. I'm pretty sure that no matter what words are banned though, synonym insults will conveniently take their place.
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    2009 society & culture exam

    Hmm, yeah there was nothing unexpected in the exam:) To omgd., I agree it's neglected but I personally would've commented earlier except there wasn't a society and culture thread yet. It was a nice way to end exams, but I never want to see my results for any of my subjects lol. Enjoy everyone...