Search results

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    Students who have transferred to Sydney law

    Hey I don't go to Sydney, I'm at Macquarie still. However, I want to transfer there. I have a lot of questions for you... What was it like transfering? Did your subjects get credited? Did you have to do extra law subjects to catch up (if so, how many)? Has this extended your period of...
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    Transfering from Macquarie Law and International studies

    I would hate to think that all this years study was for nothing. I was looking at the Sydney website, and the area of study for year 1 at Sydney seems to cover a lot which is covered in later years at Macquarie. Has anyone trasnfered from Macquarie law to Sydney law, and if so, what was your...
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    Transfering from Macquarie Law and International studies

    Yes, they are all worth equal credit points. Does anyone know if Sydney or Unsw is more compatible with Macquarie?
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    Transfering from Macquarie Law and International studies

    Hey, I'm going to attempt to transfer from Macquarie where I'm studying law and international studies into Sydney or Unsw for the same degree. My UAI was 95.15 and my first semester results were 2 HDs and 2 Cs. How do my chances look if I maintain these results in the second semester...
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    Communitarians question

    Dont worry. Thanks for the help.
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    Transfering through UAC

    Hey I am considering transfering from Macquarie to either Sydney or Unsw. When will I be able to purchase the relevant UAC guide? I know that applications open in August...but am I am to buy the guide from newsagents now, and submit it head of time? Any help is much apprecaited.
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    Communitarians question

    This is just a general question...thought I'd post it here if anywhere...Im hoping all the hype of Sydney Uni translates into smart students...Dont dissapoint me :P Question: would communitarians object to the growth of a smaller community within a larger one?
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    Transfer from Macquarie to Unsw Law

    Hey I was wondering: what mark would I require to transfer from Macquarie, where I am doing international stuidies and law, into Unsw for the same degree. My UAI was 95.15 What type of grade point average would I need to be considered? I've done one assignment for law so far, and got...
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    Law Transfer??? help

    The UAI for the combined Law degree at Macquarie dropped to around 93 this year...If you dont get that, there is always western sydney, which is around 85.
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    Law at Macquarie - Timetable & credit points

    Re: Law/ International Studies Macquarie timetable and credit points confusion! Hey: thanks for answering my question. It seems so stupid now: I had no idea, and the entire process just really confused me at first. But I figured it all out last night, before my enrolment, and it seems...
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    ARGH Timetables!!!!

    I had the same problem lol It got accepted, and there was no way to cancel it So I called Ecafs at Mac, and finally got through to someone who knew what they were doing. Apparently the Ecaf is just for the government, so they can get an estimate of the number of students who are paying...
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    Law at Macquarie - Timetable & credit points

    Hey The minimum number of credit points for Law/ International studies is 116. Would it be safe just to keep to that? I know it might be dangerous if I failed a subject. For International studies I only require 33 to get the degree- and the core subject units total something like 44. So I...
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    Post your 2006 UAI here!

    School/university partnerships E.g. If your an Abbotsleigh girl, you get UP TO 5 more marks if you go to Macquarie. Theres a wider range of criteria then just going to snobby school: you could also be an elite athlete. Its only at some unis though I reckon it's really unfair. But...
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    Law / International Studies

    Hey everyone, I'm hoping to get into law/ international studies at Macquarie. This is a new course, but going from the other combined law degrees and last year's cut offs, the UAI will be approximately 95.5. My UAI was 95.15, but I've also applied for the same course under DFEE, so the...
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    First round offers

    Thanks to both Pritnep and Survivor39 for your help with my original question. Hope everything turns out ok Halloween.
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    First round offers

    Hey- I just have a couple of questions about first round offers: how do we accept, and what happens if you decline? Are individual students given more than one offer from one or multiple unis? Can this all be done online? Thanks
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    Anyone run out of time?

    Yes- me too Didn't run out of time- but I could have written much more (I dO...DID -!!!- 1 unit btw) My writing was all over the place in the yellow booklet- arrows going up and down to give me more space to write. I figured: mention all the issues, get all the marks. I choose the...
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    What Did You Think?

    Either way- you do have an impressive vocabulary. I wish you'd posted BEFORE the exams, so I could steal these words, and go NE19th century on the examiners. Yeah- I did individual and society. It turned out really well- the creative had me thinking for a while. I didn't have a prepared...
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    Japanese Continuers

    Re: Japanese Continuers ... ridiculous.. Yes- I might have got that mixed up- but i dont think it will really matter, because i said all that stuff above that your bitching about in one sentence. I then went on to write around 5 sentences more about him/her. So- if that one was slightly...
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    Japanese Continuers

    Re: Japanese Continuers ... ridiculous.. Listening Yes- the 'cosplay' threw me for a second...i thought they were going to the cafe 'horse spray'. But i quickly corrected myself on the second listening... The katakana pronouceation of the word 'volunteer' also confused me for a second...but...