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  1. Q

    Maths in Majors

    Hey guys i am in 1st year com/law at USYD, and basically i am looking at doing a marketing or management or international biz major, however i dont want to be doing any maths (i.e. any calculations) in the course i choose because frankly i just dont find it enjoyable... The problem is that...
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    Undergrad Entrepreneurship Major

    it'd be great if they did.
  3. Q

    When do the marks get released?

    Hey guys does anyone know when they put the marks out, because with tests like ECMT (which are multi choice) i cant imagine it would take them very long to mark...
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    Residential Colleges...

    Re: University Villiage okay here is the reply: i dont live there but i have quite a few friends that do. It is not quite the same as college you dont get the tutes and i dont think you get cooked for... There are quite a few people meeting each other there, but no where near what...
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    Residential Colleges...

    in answering your first Q (from before)... it is not at all weird coming in later, we have lots of freshers who were 20... frankly you dont really notice... 1. i have not heard of any curfew for anyone... the staff go home at night and we do whatever... currently we are riding bycycles down...
  6. Q

    Comparing UNSW and USYD

    usyd has a great rep, apparently unsw has a slightly better one but they are a much of a muchness. i hope you like maths because both have a lot esp. in first year and its all compulsory... oh and the lecturers hate teaching first year (see the murray smith post)... look at the subjects...
  7. Q

    Which phone do you reacon is better?

    Do you reacon the motorola v3x looks better? My friend thinks it does but the samsung is so much smaller and sleeker i think (and it is a bit stronger)... Which do you think is aesethically better... ???? I just cnat stand the thought of being stuck with a phone i dont like for 24 months...
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    Anyone on a "3" phone plan

    true that lol... Telstra has offered these to me for free on my plan Motorola v3x,,95,00.html or Samsung sgh-z510 if i go with...
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    Which phone do you reacon is better?

    i will get one of them for free with my new plan and thus i want to know which is better...
  10. Q

    How do you study for commerce (EMCT1010, ACCT1001, ECON1001)?

    ECMT: i red through my lecture notes, and then do examples which i can find answers to... especially the worked ones done in tutes ACCT: summerise notes, then practice Q's (but i find these pretty hard because we have not really ever constructed any of these statements in class, and in that...
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    Comm/Law Majors

    USYD said the above... i have e-mailed back for clarification as to what 2 majors we can do...
  12. Q

    Which phone do you reacon is better?

    Assuming they are the same price, which would you get (and why would be nice lol) Motorola v3x,,95,00.html or Samsung sgh-z510...
  13. Q

    Anyone on a "3" phone plan

    elaborate??? lol, it seems like such mixed responces... lol... i am not sure whether to go with 3 because the have better plans and worse included phones than telstra... but anyone have an idea what a better choice is??? thanks guys Q
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    Anyone on a "3" phone plan

    Hey i need to change plans and i heard 3 has bad connectivity/drop out issues... is this true?
  15. Q

    Comm/Law Majors

    Hi, i was also wondering this, but on the website for USYD it seems like you can do to majors and i would guess especially if there was overlap between the award credits in them "Major in Commerce Students select their Commerce major from a limited list of options. The number of additional...
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    1st assignment

    hey does anyone know when we get it back. I would have liked to have seen the comments on it before i started my second assignment...
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    Residential Colleges...

    yeah i changed my post about johns because i was given some bad info, and i found a really nice johns girl who set me straight about their initiation system.
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    Residential Colleges...

    Oh and one last thing, if you like downloading on the Internet dont get used to it! Hell i am scared about my download limit posting here ; ) lol
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    Residential Colleges...

    Yes one of my very good friends does and she found it difficult, especially living with other people, and the fact that you can become quite insular in such an environment. College on the other hand is very community based albeit this, for some people, can be a disadvantage. Also college is...
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    Bridging Courses

    I am 3 days into my syd uni maths 2 unit one. My tutor is excellent, but i can not see how it is applicable to my commerce degree.