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  1. S

    bba102 group project

    eric dont have it.. was given out in lecture week 7 but i missed it.. got the lecture notes which are now in eric but the group project (not presentation) i need? im pretty sure it was handed out in the lecture..anyone care to scan it n put it up here. THANKS!
  2. S

    accg105 lecture 1/9

    only the lecture notes are on e-reserve.. did they say the tute questions would be? would they be in eric?
  3. S

    accg105 lecture 1/9

    missed the lecture..the lecture notes still aren't up on e reserve.. what happened.. did u get a handout with all the homework q's for after week 4. cheers Adam
  4. S

    prerequisites help

    spoke to a lady at the COP today...100% sure that i can do accg200 2005 s1 after doin accg105 this next sem.
  5. S

    prerequisites help you could do accg200 by just doin accg105 (pass or better). but then i'd have to get waivers for 310 and 323 and somehow get 100 and 101 waived to get my degree... fuck this is annoying not having done accg100 last semester.... im thinkin ill have to do this next sem: comp123...
  6. S


    i need econ111 , bba102, bba111.
  7. S

    prerequisites help

    accg105, bba103 and 30cp im taking p is pass or something? what does it mean then with no p next to it? im doin econ110 (disctinction) and 111 (tis sem) so im sure they'll waive bba103. seems stupid they dont list 110/111 in the options when in your core subjects its either bba103 or...
  8. S

    prerequisites help

    cant figure this the handbook for accg200 accg105(p) or accg101(p) or accg100(p) and accg101 or accg105 and bba103 and 30cp so does that mean you have to have done: 1. "accg105(p) or accg101(p) or accg100(p)" 2. "accg101 or accg105 " 3. bba103 4. 30 cp or like...
  9. S


    ive got the acst101 package that i got brand new last semester. still in great nick...can also through in a copy of the elements notes i made. pm me if interested.
  10. S

    stat170 books

    any1 got the details caus their not on the online text book list. all details please. Cheers
  11. S

    difference between fixed exchange rate + flex. peg?

    A fixed exchange rate is where the gov officially sets the exchange rate. In Australia it was used until '76. The gov obtained foreign reserves by insisting foreign holding be logdged with them. A managed flexible peg or crawling peg system is where the gov/RBA pegs the value of the $A at 9am...
  12. S

    Case study: vietnam help please

    didnt read the post really, just vietnam case study. heres a group one i was part of. its not very good. did it before i started working hard. hope it helps. by the way i never used the case study, or studied it in any great length last year. file size too big. emailed it to you. Adam
  13. S

    which COMP unit

    yeah dont want to learn bout programming. is 114 very technical (as in programming etc..) caus some of the unbit description sounds more reality based "manage info tech to revitalise business procedure". sorry its hard to explain.
  14. S

    whos doing 200 levels in first year

    thanks majesty..yeah n ive got 400 level core subjects to do in my 4th year, u ****** toisthbe
  15. S

    whos doing 200 levels in first year

    yeah i know to do econ100s before econ200s but theres a couple random core 200s that doesnt look like you would need a 100 level knowledge ie BUSL250 business law. not that im doin it cause im already chosen 12 credits for each semester
  16. S

    which COMP unit

    im doin B Bus / B Ec n gotta do a 100 level COMP unit either 114, 115 or 123, cut it down to either 114 or 123, cant really decide, 114 sounds more computer nerdish. what are you ppl doin if your in a similar situation. Cheers Adam
  17. S

    whos doing 200 levels in first year

    as the post says anyone doing them, saw someones proposed timetable and it had one 200 level in it. i cant, cant even do all my 100 levels in first year (damn 14 credit limit), obviously some 200 levels its stupid to do in first year ie microeconomic analysis (ECON200) with ECON111 mirco principles.
  18. S

    Super Innovation Scholarships

    yeah i posted a thread up before and didnt get aq good answer so i rang them, they said they get mailed out this week ie 27-30/1 Adam
  19. S

    day and night classes

    yeah probebly obvious but can you do night classes or do you need a form or something, so can you do some day and some night classes? cheers
  20. S


    i rang them up and they said the scholarship notifications get sent out next week. maybe thats just the innovation ones and the SAM or/and school partners recipitants get called this week.