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  1. HinikuTheNinja

    Extra! Extra! Llama Drops Huge Hints For Cssa Art Trial..

    ^ by her dropping hints so publically, she may very well get into trouble. I don't think that would be very good for Llama. =S
  2. HinikuTheNinja

    Finished? What are your reflections?

    Hmm. Does that mean I can say it wasn't very effective at all, since the total lack of reflection on my part? =S I've already written my RS, but it's mostly explaining what I've done, with a little bit about what I thought (absolute bullshit, but hey, most of my RS was too...) ...gah. I'm going...
  3. HinikuTheNinja

    Finished? What are your reflections?

    I never really understood this 'reflection' crap. I did the bloody thing. I wrote. That is all. This is why I'm gonna fail on account of my reflection statement. What teh hell am I supposed to reflect about? x___X
  4. HinikuTheNinja

    not started..?

    ....*boggles* You have 17 days, give or take (I dropped maths for a reason!) I WISH TOY LUCK.
  5. HinikuTheNinja

    art - Inappropriate

    LMAO! Well, they're clothed, aren't they? I can't see why it's inappropriate! Hehe!
  6. HinikuTheNinja

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    It's August 28th. I've got it written down on my little whiteboard reminder board of doom. @__@
  7. HinikuTheNinja

    Word limit - Over or under?

    At the moment I'm sitting on 7915 words, but I'm currently fiddling with it - I've been working on editing a hardcopy of it, and only just gotten it back so I can do it all in Word ^_^
  8. HinikuTheNinja

    The Story telling thread

    I knew it. They were weird. And not just weird - they were crazy. (Whoo, go me, more than one sentence ^_^)
  9. HinikuTheNinja


    Ahh no not the tentacles. I'm in a school skirt. *pout*
  10. HinikuTheNinja

    The Story telling thread

    She answered with actions instead of words, her eyes were alight with fervour as she lit a match, bringing it to the wick of a nearby candle.
  11. HinikuTheNinja

    Discussion of concepts

    Hahaha hot, yes, but sucked majorly. They were getting laid, and I wasn't :( though the straight couple did offer me some nipple... and to join in... O__o The gay boys wouldn't let e though *pouts* stoopid boys. They were hot... *drools at thought of gay boys macking on my bed*
  12. HinikuTheNinja

    Random facts about your stories.

    1) What stage are you at? Refining verily 2) Estimate the % of your story that has changed since its inception. About 40% ish. I'm not good at maths. :S 3) What is your in-class assessment mark? Haven't done one. I think. Wait. Um. So far...oh, gah, can't work it out. I don't do maths...
  13. HinikuTheNinja

    Where are you up to?

    I'm halfway through writing my third draft, just waiting for my dad to give me back the singular hard copy I had which had all my scribblings on it... Hurry up and read it, dammit! *shakes a fist at him* I'm currently writing the first draft of my Reflection, whic was due last day before the...
  14. HinikuTheNinja


    ^ and quite possibly interactive.
  15. HinikuTheNinja

    The Story telling thread

    Fading fast, too much blood lost - I couldn’t stop it, and she was whispering, whispering away, her words too fast to hear.
  16. HinikuTheNinja

    Fairfield High Thing?

    I know this is a bit late, but I went to it, and it wasn't altogether terrible. For instance, I had no idea how to write my Reflection Statement before, and now I do. And further more, we tried to get our teacher a date. She was flirting rather heavily with John Turner, one of the speakers, who...
  17. HinikuTheNinja

    Need Indian Boys for EE2 Filming

    Hehe good luck. Your conditions of payback sound like what I said to the actors for my Drama, and my art models - I HAVE CHOCOLATE! YOU WILL BE FED! AND WARM! I PROMISE! XD
  18. HinikuTheNinja


    I finally found a title for mine. Schrödinger's Cat I think its nifty, and despite the fact there is not a single cat or a man name Schrödinger in any of my pieces, it fits quite well. ^_^
  19. HinikuTheNinja

    BOW pics

    Hmm. Not as nicely stuck together as etc's, but anyway, here's a few from my BOW. To everyone else: Your stuff is lookin brill! Honestly! T__T I'm terribly going to fail. I can tell.