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    i know you can get your marks sent to you by mobile, but how do you register to get your UAI sent to you? is it possible?
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    If you use your brain and actually think about its name: Non-Accelerating Infaltion Rate of Unemployment, you will realise it's a goal not a minimum level. It's a rate of unemployemnt that would not cause inflation, and so when it does it go below it, reduces unemployment but accelerates...
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    C C C C C
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    Question 7

    Page 100 of the macquarie guide
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    Question 7

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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    have u got a macquarie guide, i can see your point now, i guess we will have to agree to disagree, with my quote though, loose monetary policy increased ag demand..
  7. A

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    runnable why u so belligerent? where did u get that definition from?
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    runnable, can u quote a source?
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    haha thanks nicolas so yay i think i got 20/20 :)
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    i agree with u seano on 7 and 12 havent checked the others
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Runnable: i don't see how it insinuates that macquarie guide page 100: "if demand management policies, such as expansionary fiscal policy or loose monetary policy (wich increase aggregate demand), reduce unemployment below the NRU, the lower unemployment is accompanied by inflation" So 7)...
  12. A

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Thanks for taking the time to mark mine :) Okay 7 im pretty sure is C, it would reduce unemployment but be inflationary pretty certain, basic concept of NAIRU? and 12 i mainatin that the 'crowding out effect' increased the CAD and so should be D? anyone agree with me?
  13. A

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    This is what i got... 1)D 2)B 3)D 4)B 5)A 6)D 7)C 8)C 9)C 10)A 11)A 12)B 13)C 14)A 15)C 16)D 17)A 18)B 19)C 20)B CAN SOMEONE PLEASE MARK MINE im hoping for 20/20, anybody differ in opinion on any>?
  14. A

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    This is what i got... 1)D 2)B 3)D 4)B 5)A 6)D 7)C 8)C 9)C 10)A 11)A 12)B 13)C 14)A 15)C 16)D 17)A 18)B 19)C 20)B My friend got D, could well be right I thought D might be wrong, as it contributes to the 'crowding out' effect and thus increases dependence on foriegn funds, adding to financial...
  15. A

    General Thoughts - Economics

    Yeah my friend got D, could well be right I thought D might be wrong, as it contributes to the 'crowding out' effect and thus increases dependence on foriegn funds, adding to financial liabilities, worsening the CAD which is a measure of external stability
  16. A

    General Thoughts - Economics

    hey can people post their multiple choice answers? This is what i got... 1)D 2)B 3)D 4)B 5)A 6)D 7)C 8)C 9)C 10)A 11)A 12)B 13)C 14)A 15)C 16)D 17)A 18)B 19)C 20)B