Search results

  1. tez0r

    What UAI did you get?

    99.65 ________________ AH- 98 Chem- 88 Adv Eng- 90 Ext 1 Eng- 47 Ext 2 Eng- 49 Maths Ext 1- 95 Maths Ext 2- 91 SAM: 99.75
  2. tez0r

    Question about HSC!

    nope, that's not how it works
  3. tez0r

    Premier's Awards

    it's 90 and above, ie if you get 90, it counts towards premiers
  4. tez0r

    How do you know whether you came 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc in your subjects?

    Do they release it on the bos website?
  5. tez0r

    EE2 Marks!

    49 external, 48 internal, hsc mark 49
  6. tez0r

    The offical EE2 bitch and procastination thread

    conversely to sweets, i thought my major work was a flaming pile of dog poo, yet it scored 49/50 externally. However, i found sweets work much more intriguing than my own
  7. tez0r

    Premier's Awards

    no it does not have to include english
  8. tez0r

    English Extension 1

    genre, spec fic, 47
  9. tez0r

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    i memorised, 91 external, 89 internal, 90 hsc
  10. tez0r

    Premier's Awards

    i should be getting one, with ancient, 3u maths, 4u maths, adv english, ext 1 english, ext 2 english all band 6's, got 88 in chem but =/
  11. tez0r

    What HSC marks did you get?

    2 Ancient History 99/100 96/100 98 6 2 Chemistry 86/100 90/100 88 5 2 English (Advanced) 91/100 89/100 90 6 1 English Extension 1 48/50 46/50 47 E4 1 English Extension 2 49/50 48/50 49 E4 2 Mathematics Extension 1 95/100 94/100 95 E4 2 Mathematics Extension 2 91/100 91/100 91 3 E4...
  12. tez0r

    USYD Scholarship Application

    i got on the reserve list, and it says they were "impressed with my application", so that must be good...right? =/
  13. tez0r

    STAT Test - Discussion & Results

    my scores are verbal: 163, 83.4 percentile quantitative: 161, 73.6 percentile overall: 162, 80.8 percentile written: 171, 99.5 percentile
  14. tez0r

    EE2 meetup!!!

    unfortunately i was hungover and i got home at 7am on the day of the meetup, hence i was unable to attend. apologies to everyone. :(
  15. tez0r

    STAT Test - Discussion & Results

    i got 94 for my RET
  16. tez0r

    Favourite band(s)

    death cab for cutie, coldplay.
  17. tez0r

    Official school rankings...sooooo?!?!?!?!?

    15020 Ancient History 2 2 / 14 15050 Chemistry 2 12 / 72 15140 English (Advanced) 2 19 / 122 15160 English Extension 1 1 7 / 45 15170 English Extension 2 1 3 / 14 15250 Mathematics Extension 1 2 26 / 112 15260 Mathematics Extension 2 2 22 / 62
  18. tez0r

    The offical EE2 bitch and procastination thread

    thread revival!
  19. tez0r

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    here's an interesting theory: Harry is Voldemort's last horcrux. Discuss.
  20. tez0r

    red dresses

    hey i was wondering what tanned guys should wear when his date is going in red? because black shirt red tie doesn't work, it's just bad. And white shirt red tie is plain.