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  1. tez0r


    wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong dan brown is popular for a reason. he'll sell more books than you ever will. people don't actually BUY junk, so the books ARE good. don't pay him out because he has success. Plus, some showcase pieces actually mention dan brown and how he's an...
  2. tez0r

    Supplementary Material: Postmodernism

    the first rule about fight club...don't talk about fight club. great movie/book for pomo
  3. tez0r

    Important - Please Read

    tez says hi to monique and goes back to bludging
  4. tez0r

    The Offical Tennis thread

    come on feds, you can take out the US!
  5. tez0r

    Important - Please Read

    tez waves hi to lynnay and cries with joy that his trials are almost over AND he didn't get torn apart by his EE2 teacher w00000000000
  6. tez0r

    The Official BOS 'Hoorah I'm Done!' Thread 2005

    wooooooooo my internal assessments are done. i finsih with an overall rank of 3rd/4th i think, depends what other people got for report. my internal mark is 48/50
  7. tez0r

    Journaling Around the trials

    i say don't journal during the trials, CONCENTRATE, then work your heart out
  8. tez0r

    Important - Please Read

    tez admits that he has never read fight club *cowers*
  9. tez0r

    Important - Please Read

    tez agrees with justin, he enjoyed scarecrow and ice station, as well as bits of area 7, schofield books are his best =)
  10. tez0r

    Important - Please Read

  11. tez0r

    Important - Please Read

    tez thinks this thread has degenerated :(
  12. tez0r

    [B]What is everyone aiming for?[/B]

    i'd like to do either med, or medical science
  13. tez0r

    Ramesses II, Turin Statue

    Does anyone know what he's holding here? it doesn't look like the traditional crook/flail, i'm thinking maybe the djed pillar?
  14. tez0r

    Anyone not finished yet?

    errr...crestwood, wrong forum, this is ext 2 major works "are you finished yet"
  15. tez0r

    The Offical Tennis thread

    roddick's goneski =/ out of rogers cup
  16. tez0r

    Question About SAM in regards to English

    heh, i wasn't going to do EE2 as well, but then i dropped physics and i picked it up. Best choice ever. we had to submit an "application form" with our works and stuff but.
  17. tez0r

    Question About SAM in regards to English

    your HSC is in 2007!!! Year eleven, i can't stress this enough, MEANS NOTHING. YEAR 11 DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR HSC IN ANY WAY. so you can bludge until THE END OF YEAR 11
  18. tez0r

    The Offical Tennis thread

    federer is probably the most graceful player i've seen in a long time. but i don't find mauresmo particularly entertaining...can you say MAN?
  19. tez0r

    Anyone not finished yet?

    if you look at showcase reflections, the whole thing is pretty much independent research, the dot points basically all specify independent investigation aside from the "your intent" and "your audience" points
  20. tez0r

    Anyone not finished yet?

    i think it's a stupid idea, the report is meant to almost double as an RS, and if you write it too early and you change your idea later, it's a complete waste of time writing the report then.