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  1. Crikket

    English ruins the HSC experience

    mine gets scaled down so bad... arg! :)
  2. Crikket

    anyone serious about a music career?

    :O does that mean no one will stop me in the middle of my cowbell solo? cool!
  3. Crikket


    are you serious?! thank god we have our formal after the hsc :)
  4. Crikket

    Release of HSC results

    holy shit, really? our dux isn't even expected to get that :) you go to a selective school, right?
  5. Crikket

    Release of HSC results

    i wish i could join you, but i'm already under suspicion... *shifty eye look*
  6. Crikket

    just a little something form an x-japanese student!

    arigato moogle san! watashi wa ima benkyou of shite ikimasu!
  7. Crikket

    Release of HSC results

    i know, those threads are going to depress me :( i'll eat my way out of depression and become one of those ladies you see on tv who lives on couches and have a couple of mars bars hidden up in her stomach rolls...
  8. Crikket

    HELP! God damn aural!!

    that would've been so good! i wish i'd completed my music course last year coz it's completely stuffed me up for my other subjects. damn music, it's way too much fun :)
  9. Crikket

    Musical Instruments

    same with cellos... and they're bloody hard to carry around too!
  10. Crikket

    anyone serious about a music career?

    go for it guys! everyone has talent, otherwise you wouldn't have chosen a career in music... and if all else fails trumpet geek, you can always busk in the streets for money :D oooh actually, you can become one of those trumpet players for cruise ship brass bands! wow! that'd be so good...
  11. Crikket

    st andrews application?

    yay! go straw-ey arms! that's what i'm doing, i'm staying at a college for a year then going to the village or sharing a house...which means i have a year to learn to cook and do my own laundrey!
  12. Crikket

    ENCORE 2004

    yea! i've never been :( my school used to organise trips there but they got slack so i missed out :(
  13. Crikket

    anyone serious about a music career?

    if i become one, i'll let the kids sit in class and watch me play all day :D mwhahaha
  14. Crikket

    cruise ship jobs

    i don't know if i'll really get into looking into it much, but it's still sounds really cool :D
  15. Crikket

    Musical Instruments

    which instruments merethrond? one of them better be a triangle! :) OOOOH! look, ads advertising "quality Violins!" how handy, that's a nice place to put an ad, right above the quick reply box.
  16. Crikket

    Musical Instruments

    grow wild flowing hair or wear a crazy bandanna and change your name to jethro tull! :D:D:D
  17. Crikket

    Musical Instruments

    i've been forced to learn piano since i was 4, but i actually wanted to play the violin! so i'm picking it up now, because i did my hsc on bass guitar and the bass just has awful awful HSC memories attached to it :D nah i love it, but i still wanna play the violin!
  18. Crikket

    cruise ship jobs

    do you think they'll hire people straight out from school?
  19. Crikket

    cruise ship jobs

    thanks jay! this site rocks! i wanna be the pirate!
  20. Crikket

    anyone serious about a music career?

    i've put secondary music teaching for music as my last preference. although i'd love to do music everyday forever, i don't know if there are any jobs :( and i'm not good enough to make it in the professional world!