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  1. *mel*

    the OC

    You had better believe it, mate!
  2. *mel*

    the OC

    aww i love that scene. hi sweetie *mwa*. there you go! :o
  3. *mel*

    the OC

    ohh i know! that's next week's episode isn't it? what a bitch. lol and since when do you use spoilers? by the way... hello friends!
  4. *mel*

    the OC

    i know that was a bit naughty of him... but don't call him a pussy!! :mad: and about that spoiler... Nahhh
  5. *mel*

    the OC

    I know! If i was seth I'd kill Zach. Zach is just there at the most opportune times to do anything for Summer and take her anywhere she wants. Oof he pisses me off!
  6. *mel*

    the OC

    omg my friend and i were screaming at that scene!! yeah so much for him wanting to do anything if he just leaves in the middle of the party. yes! i want to slap him.
  7. *mel*

    state of orgin 2

    Hey I was thinking about the situation a few years ago... I don't know if it has changed or anything but what are all your thoughts on this? I think it may have been 2003. Blues won the first game in qld, then the second game at Telstra stadium. Obviously they had already won the series. I...
  8. *mel*

    Rooster Supporters!

    Hello fellow Roosters people. Have we all tipped our dear chookies to win on Friday? I have. Maybe it's not a wise decision, but I feel guilty if i tip against them. Actually, I have never ever tipped against the Roosters... :o I know that's really biased but I could never forgive myself...
  9. *mel*

    the OC

    yes i was discussing this the other day with my best friend. season one was more.... umm carefree? sure there were lots of ups and downs but it seemed way more realistic. i reckon there was just too much drama in season 2. drama is good, but only up to a certain level. they should have at least...
  10. *mel*

    the OC

    haha of course i do! i wasn't implying that i needed more, just feeling sorry for hsc sucks who needs some love. don't worry joey ;)
  11. *mel*

    the OC

    aww a bit love sick, are we?
  12. *mel*

    the OC

    oh no! i sense a bit of tension on this oc thread... i'll take it upon me to cut this tension because the oc thread is all about LOVE!! ;) *cuts tension* ... oh i'm such a dork :o
  13. *mel*

    the OC

    awww joey! :D lemme think about it for a while... it is a big step, you know.
  14. *mel*

    the OC

    hey i did ancient... but i dropped it. but still... that's very rude!
  15. *mel*

    the OC

    hey guys! poor hsc sucks... you shoulda been here last night. we started a boo fan club and joe loves me! :D
  16. *mel*

    Final OC Of The Season

    ohh i see. poor bubz. well goodnight! :)
  17. *mel*

    Final OC Of The Season

    haha sucked in! i have a free first and last period. somehow my lessons only end up being 2 hours.
  18. *mel*

    Final OC Of The Season

    yeah! long weekends should be 4 days, don't you think? maybe i could chuck a sickie tomorrow... nah i only go to school for 2 hours tomorrow - from 10.30 till 12.30. yay!!
  19. *mel*

    the OC

    ewww you're such a guy!
  20. *mel*

    Final OC Of The Season

    Goodnight deary. Thanks for sigging me! :D <3 joey... maybe. I think i should be off to beddies too.