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  1. k_i_mm_i

    HSC 2004: which school will top?

    I think it's gonna be Woop woop high - better watch out for those country bumpkins..they're pretty smart I heard and their UAI gets bumped up a few points for being "disadvantaged"
  2. k_i_mm_i

    Extension French (Info answering the question "Should I do it?")

    hey....but they only used a few shots from extract five, so they could actually give us the last shot rite? I mean the 2002 exam was the question on Malek and Jeannette talking about the Ramadan thing, and that extract still has a lot more in it like, Justin talking to Malek...about religion...
  3. k_i_mm_i

    Extension French (Info answering the question "Should I do it?")

    Extension French Coucou tlm! Ready for Extension? I'm wondering if people actually learnt all of the things that were listed like..causative mood present past subjunctive cos my teacher was like...MEH :rolleyes: ....forget about it..they dont realli care anyway. I'm pretty sure we're...
  4. k_i_mm_i

    Le continuers est bel et bien MORT! J'ai dit «MORT»!!!

    Hey :) All done ey? It feels wierd, like something missing from my life! ahahaha well I never treated my languages as work or a school subject so :)
  5. k_i_mm_i

    Le continuers est bel et bien MORT! J'ai dit «MORT»!!!

    yeah..i did the sample question the night before. It was like...past paper 2003 or something
  6. k_i_mm_i

    Le continuers est bel et bien MORT! J'ai dit «MORT»!!!

    omg...i think most of the guys who do french wrote a story how they r staying in france for one more year to be with their french lover :P :P :P
  7. k_i_mm_i

    French Continuers

    hey poiuytrewqwerty how was ancient?
  8. k_i_mm_i

    Le continuers est bel et bien MORT! J'ai dit «MORT»!!!

    Ahh!! CHEPAS! I noticed that TOO! stupid caroline didnt say it enough times, I forgot WHAT it meant!! ARGHHHH OH well hopefully I had enough points for that 6 mark question! (what does it mean anyway) muahahaha Overall I found it good and relatively easy, compared to the japanese cont...
  9. k_i_mm_i

    Well, how do we all feel?

    thanks! Chep
  10. k_i_mm_i

    Well, how do we all feel?

    where is the french radio??!
  11. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici! ne serai pas ici a Syd en serai a BALI!!!!! woo hoo!!!! je serai aux anges!! - comble de joie
  12. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Je pense que c'est une bonne idee! Je peux egalement inviter mes autres amis qui apprenent aussi le fr - si c'est ca va avec tlm!
  13. k_i_mm_i

    predictions for tomrws questions!!

    Im very SURE that all the questions will be of "high order thinking" so brush up your analytical skils boys and girls
  14. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    He! TLM est sur ligne dit moi quelque chose ici
  15. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    oui l'ai deja vu deux ou trois fois cette annee. c'est un film extra! J'ai vraiment hate de regarder "Etre et Avoir" apres le bac! Et j'ai regarde "tais toi" Mais ca ne me plait pas! A mon avis, Depardieu etait trop ennuyant quelquefois. Mais il etait tres drole dans "Asterix...
  16. k_i_mm_i

    Where r u going after this?

    Hey what are everyone's plans after school? GOing to a hospo college? WHich one? WHich on is good?
  17. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Ahh! Shazzam c'est vrai ca? que tu as fait ce que tu as dit?? C'est vraiment rigolo! Tu as beaucoup de courage pour faire ca contre l'envie de ton pere! A propos, je vais etudier plus pour le fr! Je n'en reviens toujours pas que demain a 5 heures quand l'examinateurs disent "pens down" est la...
  18. k_i_mm_i

    Well, how do we all feel?

    Yay I'm excited and a bit anxious. A bit scared of the listening. 2nd last exam!....This HSC has been such a drag...there's one month between my first and last exam Bonne chance a tout le monde! Courage! nous allons tous reussir!!
  19. k_i_mm_i

    Listening: Some links that might be helpful

    A very good listening site: have fun francophiles! But the questions aren't really HSC type...