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  1. Gemstone

    Names on Multi Choice

    Sez our supervisors told us to do the same thing 1/2 and 2/2 in the other one. As has been said the blue slips are attendance record and so they can check they have all your answers if something gets lost - similar reason to why you've gotta write your student number on every page you write on...
  2. Gemstone

    Expected Mark

    I stuffed up the multiple choice so that'll affect my mark. I'd like 80's but I'll be happy with 70's particularly seeing as my school marks aren't so good so it'll pull my mark down anyway.
  3. Gemstone

    institutionalised inequality?

    institutionalised inequality isn't when 2 people get fined the same ammount regardless of their ability to pay it like the rich and poor man that's formal equality.
  4. Gemstone

    Registering for SMS results thingy

    Gee that's weird. I don't see how the number could've been someone elses phone though seeing as all mobiles start with 04 but yeah at least it's fixed now. I was gonna suggest calling that enquirys number they gave on the letter but seeing you got it to work never mind.
  5. Gemstone

    HSC students to get results by SMS

    Oh yeah I got the letter about this on Monday. I have to sign up for it but I gotta put credit on my phone first.
  6. Gemstone

    Two exams are spookily similar. Discuss

    Well the questions I got for personality weren't exactly the same anyway but yeah I get what you guys mean about having gone through what you needed to do and stuff.
  7. Gemstone

    Am I gone?

    Oh i did that in trials (Which i suppose didn't matter so much) but yeah they should be able to tell from your intro anyway and if not they'd still give you marks for it anyway. I think it would become pretty obvious which one you were doing though because one was on co-operation and stuff and...
  8. Gemstone

    since everysub seems to have many pages

    Crime - 8 Consumers - 8 Family - 6.5
  9. Gemstone

    sources of criminal law

    Yeah I reckon you'd get a mark for saying legislation seeing as that's what it is. I wrote common law and statue law and put the names of the case and legislation just to be safe.
  10. Gemstone

    The 12 Mark-er

    Oh I didn't like this question. I didn't write anywhere near enough for it. I just wrote about the Terrorism stuff and how they can be put in remand straight away and stuff which is kindda like saying there guilty already and how that's agianst there rights to freedom and stuff but that's what...
  11. Gemstone

    Crime: Discretion q? :s

    I wrote heaps on this. I would've prefered this to be the 12 mark one then 7 cos I think I wrote way to much for it and too little for the 12. Anyway I wrote about discrescion in the police deciding what to investigate and also in relation to bail and remand and how remand is only supposed to be...
  12. Gemstone

    Family Law Essay

    I did B I think I did alright in it. I forgot media articles though. I talked about children, Breakdown of relationships (de facto and marriage), children (de facto and marriage) and recogonition of same sex relationships. Probably could've done more on it but I did it last and was running out...
  13. Gemstone

    Differences between common and civil

    The civil law system is the legal system used in European countries. Civil law is just things like private law (eg. torts, property etc.) Anyway I have a scribe so I've got a copy of the question sheet for short answer cos I took my scribes copy. So yeah here's the exact wording 'Outline...
  14. Gemstone

    institutionalised inequality?

    Yeah it's stuff like how the law excludes or disadvantages a particular group within society. It's often done because the majority of society feel it is okay. I talked about how the Aboriginal people weren't included on the cencus or given rights because they weren't considered as being...
  15. Gemstone

    BoS has done it again!!!

    Lol that would've been a hard question. Glad I didn't have to do it. My year it was all on the outback. That sounds a bit stupid though because to prove it you have to say that you fail to meet up to societies expectations ie. passing the exam and therefore you'd have to write a bad response to...
  16. Gemstone

    Two exams are spookily similar. Discuss

    The questions were taking straight from the syllabus and are much the same as they always are so really you should've been prepared for a question like that anyway. In the personalities they always ask something along the lines of social position and how they got to power (well at least in my...
  17. Gemstone

    pausing the hsc for the sc...

    Yes I know it's so annoying. I could've been finished by now but I've got to wait till wednesday to finish. I would think it's an inconvience to them to put the SC on while the HSC is on. But I guess it's not. Anyway I don't understand why the SC can't be sat on Thursday and Friday but I guess...
  18. Gemstone

    Hostage taking

    Oh right thanks.
  19. Gemstone

    Hostage taking

    I was wonder what type of crime hostage taking is classed as. I thought it would be crimees against the person but I can't find it in my text book so I'm not sure. I know it can be an internationaal crime but what if it's just locally and stuff.
  20. Gemstone


    Do you mean case law or media articles. Because you can use that redfern riot stuff for crime. You just mention it and put a date at the end of it. For cases for crime you should probably mention Woolmington - Innocent till proven guilty and Dietrich - fair trial. Consumers media articles...