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  1. Gemstone


    Thanks that's heaps good. There a heap of stuff in there I didn't actually have a deffinition for. Thanks so much I have an exam on this stuff next week. Also i know this is slightly off topic but I noticed that in the sylabus it says something about Institutionalised inequality or something...
  2. Gemstone


    Really not all teachers read through drafts and stuff. Wow practally all my teachers will read though draft assessments and stuff. They can't mark it or anything but they can kindda tell you if theres extra stuff you should think about and add in also help you with sturcture and stuff. I...
  3. Gemstone

    Special Provisions

    Board of Studies won't just give it out for illegible writting unless there is a reason it can't be made neat as you put. I mean my writting is legible but to keep it legible in an exam would put to much presure on me, and I wouldn't be able to do it. I know they don't just give it out for...
  4. Gemstone

    Special Provisions

    Yeah I can't get a computer for it because I can't type fast enough for BOS to let me and also the problem I have with writting would still happen with a computer. So yeah a scribe works.
  5. Gemstone

    Eye problems

    I've found that my sight's been getting better. I'm less dependant on my glasses now. I used to need em for everything but now I only need them for distance. Gems
  6. Gemstone

    Special Provisions

    Yeah it doesn't but in ancient it's important you can spell the names of places and Pharaohs and stuff. Yeah I did one when I was on the stage but they forgot to put up the barrier and people could here but only the first 2 rows and they were the advanced english class anyway and I was...
  7. Gemstone

    Special Provisions

    Hey I was wondering if anyone else on here gets them, and if so what do you get them for. I get a scribe because I have a tremor and can't write properly because of it. Do you guys ever have any trouble with your special provision? I sometimes do because I do ancient and I get so...
  8. Gemstone

    HSC Study Conferences

    Yeah I was thinking of going to one of the ones in June. I think it will be the 2nd one though cos I help out at Kidsgames in the first week. Gems
  9. Gemstone

    Furious with Term 4 teacher - My Rant about my old teacher

    Hey it really wasn't that big a whinge as it could have been. But yes it does say in the topic heading that i am doing that. Anyway yeah I got it done anyway and i think I did okay though it doesn't really matter. Gems
  10. Gemstone

    Supp Texts - Inner

    Spirited Away yeah that's an awesome movie. It never occured to me it could be used for inner journeys. Anyway theres stacks of other texts you can use for inner journeys in this thread that aren't movies. Gems
  11. Gemstone

    Supp Texts - Inner

    Yeah finding Nemo works, because his dad learns that he can't be over protective forever. Gems
  12. Gemstone

    Furious with Term 4 teacher - My Rant about my old teacher

    Yeah I've read it over and it seems pretty easy i can probably do it in my free tommorrow. So i think i'll be okay. Thanks for the offer though. I think i'm just more annoyed about the timing then anything else. Gems
  13. Gemstone

    Particle problems

    Oh I hate particles I always forget what goes where. I now have a list of the particles and what they mean at the front of my book. ni - is a time one, so like going places and stuff. I can't remember de though I would have to look it up again. Gems
  14. Gemstone

    Furious with Term 4 teacher - My Rant about my old teacher

    Yeah it does suck. I got it today. It's just a 400 word response on what is the nature of religion. I haven't read it yet but i don't think it'll be difficult. We got given a whole list of sub headings to use for it so it doesn't seem to difficult. It's mainly just the timing that i'm...
  15. Gemstone

    Furious with Term 4 teacher - My Rant about my old teacher

    Okay this really sucks. There are 4 of us in my SOR class who picked it up durring term 4 last year (me included) and we got told today that because our teacher last term forgot that we had to do a prelim assessment we've got till friday to do one. (Friday's the closing date for Prelim...
  16. Gemstone

    Minoan Notes

    Yeah I'm doing Minoans too. I know your friend has done her exam now but maybe we can organise to exchange notes as we'll all need them in the HSC anyway. Gems
  17. Gemstone

    Lazy Shits!!

    Yeah there are a lot of topics for ancient. I think the paper is about 43 pages or something but you only do four queestions in it. I don't think there are many people here who do my topics. You really do need to make your own notes, but yeah it's good to look at others too. Maybe if people...
  18. Gemstone

    Anyone with summeries on Minoan Crete or Augustus and the Julio claudians?

    I have Minoan Crete. I'm typing them up this weekend so I should be able to send them to you next week. Gems
  19. Gemstone

    Study Camps?

    Um aren't those dates while we're still at school. The June ones cos i'ce got an assignment due in week 8 term 2 and that's only a few weeks after those camps. EDIT: Oh my mistake they say June. I can't read. Yeah I might think about going. Where's Helensburg anyway? Gems
  20. Gemstone

    anyone wanna help...

    What is your gender? Female What is your star sign? Sagitarus Do you know the character traits of your sign? If yes list some Nah don't think so though I don't know what they are Have you ever read your horoscope? Nah Has it ever come true? No Do you believe in astrology and to what...